Tabito Karasu (烏旅人,Karasu Tabito?) is a contender of Blue Lock, who currently plays as a center midfielder for France's Paris X Gen during the Neo-Egoist League.
When first introduced, he was ranked #3 during the Third Selection and he later played as a defensive midfielder for the match between Blue Lock Eleven and the Japan U-20 team.
What position does Tabito Karasu play in the Neo Egoist League?
In the Neo Egoist League, Tabito Karasu is a key player, recognized for his ability to control the game and deliver in high-pressure situations. He represents Paris X Gen's team during the league, demonstrating a competitive spirit and a dismissive attitude towards those he deems 'mediocre'.
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What physical characteristics distinguish Tabito Karasu?
Tabito Karasu, a character from the Blue Lock manga, is distinguished by his tall, lean physique, dark blue hair with a spiky purple top, and a mole under his left eye. His blue eyes and overall appearance are reminiscent of a crow, a trait further emphasized by his surname 'Karasu', which translates to 'crow'. In the manga, he is often depicted in a standard black and gray body suit or tracksuit, and sports Team Red's #69 jersey during the Second Selection and Team B's #69 white jersey during the Third Selection.
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What team does Tabito Karasu play for in the Blue Lock manga?
In the Blue Lock manga, Tabito Karasu is a key player for Team B. His roles have also extended to Blue Lock Eleven and Team Red. Karasu's analytical skills are pivotal in orchestrating defense strategies and facilitating offensive maneuvers.
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Karasu is a tall and lean young man with spiky dark purple hair and a mole under his left eye. He also has blue eyes.
In Blue Lock, Karasu wears the standard-issued body suit (black with gray stripes) and tracksuit. During Second Selection, he wore Team Red's #69 jersey and wore Team B's #69 white jersey during the Third Selection. Only once the Japan U20 match begins does he don the official Blue Lock player uniform with jersey #6. During the Neo-Egoist League, he wears Paris X Gen's uniform.
Colored Appearance
Blue Lock bodysuit
Team B uniform
Blue Lock Eleven uniform (Manga)
Blue Lock player icon
Blue Lock Eleven Uniform (Anime)
Karasu tends to look down on people he finds "mediocre." He is wary of his surroundings and is able to control and produce chemical reactions with those around him. He is intelligent but has a sharp tongue and never misses a chance to insult someone, whether friend or foe. He has his own rules that he forces upon others to make matches go as planned. He dislikes it when anything goes wrong, even if it doesn't make a big difference, so it looks to others like he is always complaining.
During the U-20 match, Karasu showed his leadership ability on defense, often communicating with the other defensive players to strategize against the quickly incoming U-20 players. He commands players like Yo Hiori and Kenyu Yukimiya in terms of attacking and defending, even if the players are aware of what to do. He is also willing to use every advantage at his disposal, as shown when he asked the referee to card Ryusei Shido for happening to kick Rin Itoshi in the face.
Under his confident demeanor, Karasu considers himself to be mediocre. His trait for finding others' weaknesses and teasing them into submission was a form of protection to keep others from realizing his own true nature. He is fully aware of his mediocrity, and he respected those who he considers "extraordinary." This personality trait is what made him so compatible with Eita Otoya. Ironically enough, this extreme awareness of his own weaknesses and others is precisely what makes him "extraordinary" as well, in his own special way.
Forwards: also known as strikers, have the main objective of scoring goals. They are often the players who get the most attention since their role is designed to be in a scoring position. They also take part in penalty kicks and corner kicks when the opposing team kicks the ball out of bounds. They are normally the players in charge of starting off the game at the start and halftime.
Midfield General: A central midfield player who absolutely controls the midfield area, directing team play and breaking up the opponent's attacks. They are known for having the biggest influence on their team's overall performances, driving them forward to attack, putting sustained pressure on the opposition, and leading by example when the team is defending.
Karasu has been shown to be a highly capable midfielder, even since the 2nd Selection. His tactical mind and ball-keeping ability allow him to lead his teammates and direct them into positions that allow them to perform at higher and higher octanes the longer a match on, as his mind lets him quickly catch on to opponents' strengths and weaknesses and deal with them accordingly.
Sharp Analytical Ability: Karasu is renowned for his tactical shrewdness, having a reputation for targeting an enemy team's weakest link/player and focusing his plays against them (as stated by Hiori). His analytical ability was at such a level (along with his ball-keeping) that Ego made the decision to position him as the defensive midfielder of the Blue Lock 11 to act as the beating heart of the team, transitioning from defense to offense. Karasu has demonstrated an incredible grasp of tactics, being able to breakdown the U-20's defensive setup and the likely steps they will take to prevent an attack. After doing so, he was able to organize an attack with both Otoya and Chigiri to break through their defense, leading to Blue Lock's second goal. Karasu has also shown good awareness, knowing when to stall in the defense against Sae, giving his team time to organize, as well as when to join the offensive line, providing an extra option.
Expert Ball Control: Karasu has the best ball-keeping sense in Blue Lock due to his spatial and tactical awareness and his unique ability to control space with his hands. By gauging the distance between himself and his opponent, Karasu uses his body (and more specifically, his arms) to block them off from the ball, controlling the space and enabling him to either steal the ball from them or dribble past.
Feints: Karasu, in conjunction with his ability to control space with his hands, uses devastating feints to his advantage. He typically feigns carelessness with the ball to draw his opponent in before shifting the ball away, as well as shifting the opponent's center of gravity with his hands. Through his expert use of feints and spatial control, Karasu was able to dribble past at least 2 players at once (in Isagi and Shido), as well as maintain possession when pressured by 3 players at once (Isagi, Shido, and Nanase). This skill has extended even into the Neo Egoist League, with him using his ball control in the midfield to lure in multiple players like Hiori and Kiyora, and then feint into passes, generally to Charles. This tactic has constantly lead to PXG gaining advantage within the match, with the first instance of the feint leading into a goal.
Metavision (超越視界,Meta Bijon?, Transcendence Sight): A term used to describe a player's evolved vision that gives them an omnipotent perspective of the field. Karasu managed to acquire Metavision nearing the end of the Bastard München vs. PXG match by anticipating Isagi's Two-Gun Volley and blocking it.
His given name, Tabito (旅人,Tabito?), means "a traveler."
His surname, Karasu (烏,Karasu?), means "a crow," referring to his appearance.
His name can thus be interpreted as "a crow traveler" or "a traveling crow."
(To Isagi) "It's too bad that you're fighting against your opponent's strong point... If you aim for their weak points, your chances of winning will greatly increase. Yoichi Isagi, you're the weak point of this team."[1]
(To Isagi) "I will beat you down until you overdose, idiot."[1]
(To Isagi) "See, I told you. On your own, you're just ordinary. You're dragging your entire team down with you, Yoichi Isagi."[10]
(To Rin, about both Rin and Isagi) "Using the same momentum to pull me away from you and to shoot for the goal real smart, Mr. Abnormal [Rin]. And what's more, since Mr. Mediocre [Isagi] has decided to awaken... You guys have become a completely different team of your own."[11]
Majority of this information is from the official Egoist Bible.
He remembers his first crush pretty well. He says he was eight years old, and her name was Marisa. Karasu also notes that he feels like he's mediocre because she was the cutest in class.
He has a voice fetish.
His favorite type is a smart and strong girl.
He received a total of six Valentine's chocolates in the previous year.
He received Christmas presents from Santa until he was around 10 years old. The last thing that he asked for from Santa was a PlayStation 4 and an e-football.
If he received 100 million yen, he would invest in index funds.