Quick Answers
What promise did Nagi and Reo make when they first became friends?
How did Nagi and Reo's relationship begin in high school?
What was the dynamic between Nagi and Reo at Hakuho High School?
What was the significance of Reo giving Nagi rides on his back?
How did Reo's popularity and status affect his relationship with Nagi?
Team V[]
Reo Mikage[]

Reo gives Nagi a piggyback ride to leave.
Nagi has a very close relationship with Reo. He was Nagi’s first friend and they promised to win the World Cup together after their first meeting. Reo often gave Nagi rides on his back to carry him around, in an effort to make sure Nagi had to work as little as possible.
The pair originally met in high school when they went to the same one, Hakuho High School. Nagi was a loner (self-induced) while Reo was the top student and very popular with everyone due to his status and personality. Because of this social difference the two were not friends. One day, Nagi was sitting in the blind spot of the stair well while Reo was exiting the roof, in search of a soccer genius to join him in his dream to win the World Cup. While walking, he bumped into Nagi, which caused his cellphone to drop out of his hands. Reo originally wrote off this encounter, seeing that the boy was simply an otaku (note: (in Japan) a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills) playing games on his lunch alone. He was just going to offer to replace the phone when Nagi jumps down the stairs much to Reo’s shock (assuming he had pushed him). As it turns out, the white haired boy had simply jumped after his phone and caught it on his foot using a trap. This move mesmerized Reo, making him realize that this boy was the man he needed and the genius he wanted.
Nagi was not enthusiastic about joining Reo in his soccer endeavors. He wanted to live a lazy and carefree life, and stated soccer was too much of a hassle if you had to work hard at it. This did not deter Reo, because his resolve was strong and he would not let the genius slip away from him. He began to try to coerce Nagi into joining him. This started with picking him up in his limousine and giving him a ride to school. While many girls attempted to talk to him, he brushed them off in favor of Nagi. Entering the school, Nagi says he wished he had the easy life Reo had, but Reo says that that’s why he hated it. He explained that’s what prompted his dream of winning the World Cup, but during his explanation Nagi attempts to run away.
After this, Reo interviews students and the unanimous conclusion is that the man is a loner. Then, he attempts to study the man himself, but he finds that he sleeps all class. He could not quite understand just what a creature Nagi was. On the roof, Nagi was gaming when Reo shoots a soccer ball at his head. He tells him that it is destiny they found each other and they would be the best together, but Nagi just says he’s been reading too much together. Finally, he relents seemingly because of his persistence. When Nagi brings up how there wasn’t a soccer club, Reo brings him to the soccer club room full of members who he had convinced to work hard with his connections.
Reo asking for Nagi to lend him his talent
When they arrive, they receive news of a practice match against Aomori Dadada High School, a team that has regularly competed in nationals. This was a match set up by Reo’s father as a way to try to get him to quit, but he does not give up. He asks Nagi to grant him his talent, and he doesn't respond but they both are seen at the practice match playing. Reo’s advice to Nagi is to just be somewhere where he is capable of scoring a goal, which caused him some confusion since he thought it was selfish, but he does as told. In the match, Reo demonstrates his genius ability and play-making then passes the ball to Nagi. However, the captain read this plan and put Nagi into a bad shooting position, stating that he couldn’t shoot from such a bad position. Nagi is confused, preforming a scorpion trap to roulette volley and scoring a goal. After the match, Reo jumps on Nagi’s back and ruffles his hair. It’s shown that Anri was watching this match, and that it was the reason they were invited to Blue Lock.
Before going into Blue Lock, a snippet of the pair’s life is shown. Reo visits Nagi’s place, excited at first but then compares it to a prison cell. It’s revealed that since the practice match, they had an undefeated record. It is also revealed that Reo is the first person to come to Nagi’s dorm. Nagi also reveals his family situation- he is an only child and his parents have a hands-off parenting style. Reo feels the place unsuitable for a celebration and brings the two of them to his place, one of the Mikage Corporation’s real estate assets. This is when Reo reveals his own family situation- he’s an only child where his parents are constantly meddling in his life. Nagi thinks this is a good thing since it shows that he is cared for, but Reo retorts saying it’s tiring and suffocating. Reo states his parents have his life planned out for him, but he decides to chase after the World Cup to have something earned with his own hands.
Nagi then states that they shouldn’t do things that their parents did that they didn’t like. Reo adds a rule to this, saying that they should do things that they liked when their parents did it. Reo then immediately gifts him a painting, saying that he liked when his parents gave it to him. Nagi’s inner monologue reveals that he finds Reo strange, but that they were alike in that they were both weird. They play video games together until Nagi decides to head home. On his way out, Nagi says, “Oh, Reo… don’t die before I do.” When Reo exhibits confusion, Nagi explains that it was something his parents said when he left home that made him happy. Reo laughs at this, telling Nagi to eat properly. Reo’s inner monologue reveals that he also finds Nagi weird, and that they’re nothing alike. He thinks that if it was not for soccer, they could never be together. After the hang out, they both receive their letters to Blue Lock.
Nagi telling Reo “don’t die before I do”.
Nagi saving Reo from being eliminated during tag
While initially reluctant to enter Blue Lock, Nagi agreed after Reo promised to take him to see a more interesting life. He made Reo promise to stay together with him to the end, showcasing their close bond. In the tag elimination, Nagi takes initiative to protect Reo from oncoming attacks by other players. When Reo was almost eliminated, he quickly intercepts the ball and gets another player out instead. (Though Reo thanks him, he also is frustrated that it was a backhanded plan to get himself eliminated if the player had dodged) Despite not being motivated to play soccer, Nagi is motivated by his friend. He emphasizes their promise to stay together and the fact that they are partners. In the Team Y match, Reo is able to motivate him with the promise of him receiving his phone again, which let’s them win the match with a score of 8 to 0. In the match against team W, Reo is able to work with Zantetsu thanks to Nagi’s influence. Barou mocks him for being Reo’s slave, Nagi becomes annoyed and takes initiative to disprove that point. Naturally, Nagi's soccer at the start of Blue Lock revolved greatly around Reo. Reo's main role was to set up Nagi's ball traps by giving him long range passes or setting up his attacks. This was how they had played for their careers up to this point, and it had worked thanks to both of them being some sort of genius.
After losing to Team Z, Nagi began investing himself more in soccer with a strong desire to get better and improve. He had finally found something that had kept him entertained. Because of this, he began distancing a bit from Reo. Where Reo wanted to remain by Nagi's side, Nagi wanted to keep moving forward in soccer in order to pursue their dream. Nagi realized if they only ever stuck to the same methods, they would not be able to improve. Thus, he actively pursued new opportunities to improve, such as when he decided to join Isagi and Bachira's team in the Second Selection, temporarily leaving Reo. As Nagi did not communicate that this was for the sake of their dream, it led to miscommunication and Reo thinking he was abandoned. Reo wanted to say that is was okay to leave, that he was happy for Nagi, he could not. Where Nagi was earlier very obedient with Reo, he later began developing a harsher stance with him after Reo pushes him away, telling him how their goal to become the best in the world wasn't such an easy thing to do and how Reo was forgetting their promise and not pushing forwards. In Nagi’s mind, this has all been for their sake, so he becomes frustrated that Reo is severing their partnership. He let him know that he wasn't going to just stay at the same level with Reo, but was going to improve and evolve, suggesting that Reo take these words to heart. At the end of their 3v3 match in the second Selection, Nagi even goes so far as to call Reo "a pain" when the latter showed his dissatisfaction with the changes that Nagi had underwent. Nagi felt that the soccer Reo plays is not enough for the kind of soccer he wants to play. He still, however, holds Reo in high regard and respects the decisions he has made (especially so after their match together in the Third Selection), and still considers him to be his friend.
In the U20 match, their relationship had somewhat restored, as Reo takes the initiative to give Nagi a towel during halftime. This is further supported when Reo is subbed in and they do some passing combinations, carrying a similar chemistry to when they were on Team V together.
During the NEL arc, Nagi joins the same team as Reo, Manshine City. While Reo was determined to become fully independent from Nagi, Nagi sought Reo’s help after struggling to score during the match. While Reo rebuffs him, Nagi pleaded and appealed to their shared dream of becoming the world’s best. Despite their fight, Reo agreed and they began combining even more in sync than ever before, as a result of their growth. Nagi scores with Reo’s help and they high five, bond rekindled. However, they fall back into the old habit of relying on one another instead of being able to play independently. After the match, they appear to be as close as before, with Reo taking care of Nagi. This time, Nagi verbally expressed his gratitude towards Reo for introducing him to football. It is clear that their relationship and promise mean a great deal to Nagi.
Zantetsu Tsurugi[]
Zantetsu and Nagi first meet right before the tag elimination, when Nagi and Reo await him in fixing his clothes. It’s clear that he wasn’t the most intelligent, but that does not seem to put off Nagi. In the tag match, Zantetsu targets a curve shot past Reo at Nagi, which results in him almost losing the game. However, in order to save Reo, Nagi takes the ball back and shoots it at a line of players. Zantetsu, being one of them, is able to dodge the attack. In the first selection’s first match. Zantetsu butts heads with Reo. When Nagi finally decides to play, Zantetsu attempts to take the ball from him. After Nagi’s chest trap, Zantetsu assumes he chickened out, but the genius was only going for a bicycle shot. After the match, Nagi takes a bath, but Zantetsu comes in brushing his teeth at the edge of the bath. Nagi tells him not to do this since it was gross, and Zantetsu apologizes and says that it was his family motto to always remember to brush your teeth. Nagi makes fun of this, but Zantetsu reveals his family are all dentists, which causes Nagi to say his family just be rather intelligent. Zantetsu agrees saying he was the only dumb one, but when Nagi asks if his family ever made fun of him, he denies it saying, “Truly intelligent people have the grace to not call an idiot an idiot.” Nagi asks what made him choose football, which turns out to just have been Zantetsu’s intuition. He says his dream is to be the world‘s most esteemed moron, and Nagi responds saying that it sounded pretty cool. Zantetsu asks what makes Nagi want to play, but he just replies that it was Reo’s fault he played, and he was moreso just tagging along. Zantetsu calls him a weirdo, but also says that he wasn’t a bad guy.
Nagi discussing why he plays football with Zantetsu
Team Z[]
Yoichi Isagi[]

Isagi trys to stop Nagi from fighting with Baro.
Nagi initially meets Isagi during the First Selection in the cafeteria when Wataru Kuon tries betraying Team Z to avoid getting expelled from Blue Lock. They have more of an interaction during the last game of the First Selection and they both witness each other's skills and presence on the field. Isagi sees Nagi's insane ball control and trapping ability while Nagi begins to recognize not only Isagi's spatial awareness ability but his potential and overall influence on the field. Losing to Isagi made him realize his dream with Reo could disappear, so he took the initiative to change. He sees Isagi as a rival who stole the light of evolution from him during that match, and has worked to reclaim it since. Isagi can sometimes be the voice of reason when Nagi and the other Team White members were bickering, but they are not close outside the pitch. Nagi is stated to not be close to anyone outside of Reo and Zantetsu.
As teammates on the field, they have a good chemistry and understanding of each other. Isagi takes full advantage of Nagi's trapping skills and ball control and Nagi takes advantage of Isagi's ability to create chance opportunities sometimes pushing him to get the goal he wants. They climb Second Selection and acquire Barou after their initial loss to Rin's Team Red. They lose a second time to Rin's Team Red in the Second Selection due to Rin’s "luck”. When Isagi was chosen by Rin to continue on, Nagi and the Team White promised to climb up and meet Isagi along with everybody else and Nagi watched as Isagi went on ahead to face the World's Best. This was yet another moment of Isagi stealing the spotlight from him, adding to his frustration as a rival.
They met again when Third Selection began as Nagi had kept his promised and was apart of the Second Team that cleared Second Selection. Though they did not play anymore official games together in Blue Lock they both made the Blue Lock 11 as offensive midfielders, directing supporting and attacking with Itoshi Rin. They have both steeled themselves for the Japan National Rep match
Off the field, Nagi goes back to his mostly indifferent personality and does his own thing ignoring what Isagi and everyone else says in favor of watching something or playing a video game on his phone. Though he does listen to what Isagi has to say when he is trying to speak logic on or off the field.
Hyoma Chigiri[]

Nagi is about to trap Barou's shoe
Nagi and Chigiri only have a few panels with each other but Chigiri introduced Nagi to Noel Noa, the current best striker in the world, as well as other professional players. They appear to get along well, watching videos on Nagi's phone and talking about Chigiri's injury. They run "Nagi Seishirou's trap-whatever-you-can championship" to the dismay of Barou.
They work together well on the pitch, and were part of the second team to clear the second selection. They also both choose to go to England in the second stage of Blue Lock, continuing their time as teammates.
Team X[]
Shoei Baro[]
Nagi and Baro are rivals, though both share a goal to defeat Isagi in a game. Their first meeting is in the Team V vs. Team X match. After Baro calls a him a slave, Nagi retorts with how he is not a slave, but Reo’s partner, and begins becoming fired up. Nagi scores a goal which Baro calls boring, so the former initiates a play, something he rarely does, and deliberately targets Baro. After this goal, Team V wins 5-2 and Baro states in their next encounter, he will win.
The two next meet in the second selection in the 2v2 match. In the matching room, Baro walks in and Nagi makes fun of him, saying how surprised it is that the king was here. He challenges Baro, but due to the 24 match cooldown they are forced to wait. Once the cooldown is over, Team White (Yoichi Isagi and Seishiro Nagi) faces off against Team Red (Shoei Baro and Asahi Naruhaya). The arguments and insults once again occur between Nagi and Baro, but their scoring ability remains about even. When Team White wins 5-4, Isagi and Nagi decide to steal Baro.
As a trio now, it is made clear that Nagi and Baro simply do not get along in the slightest, especially as teammates. They break out into an argument practically as soon as given the chance. It’s revealed that Baro likes tidiness and cleanliness, much to the annoyance of Nagi. The two fight about this multiple times, in the room, baths, etc.

Nagi and Baro arguing over the bed
In the next match versus Kunigami, Chigiri, and Reo, Isagi and Nagi end up playing mostly as a pair which annoys Baro to no end. Once the trio wins the match, they all have different opinions as to who to take but surprisingly unanimously agree to take Chigiri.
After losing to Rin’s team in the 4v4 match, Isagi is stolen leaving Nagi, Baro, and Chigiri, the three of them deciding they would seek revenge. Back in the room, Baro and Nagi once again argue but eventually the trio agree they must evolve to reach their goal of beating Isagi. In their next 3v3 match, they win by Baro and Chigiri overcoming their weaknesses. When Nagi says he had overcame his and became mentally stronger, Baro laughs saying he had only been defiant, saying he would not change that easily. Nagi retorts that Baro was also defiant, but are interrupted with the decision to decide who to steal. The three of them agree to steal Zantetsu.
The 4v4 match with the team is yet to be seen, but the outcome is revealed that they are able to win. After this, the next time the two meet is in the Manshine City versus Ubers match. After losing, Nagi asks Baro about what his goal is- what his drive to play soccer is. Baro says it’s obvious that he wants to become the best in the world. When Nagi asks what comes after that, Baro answers he will create a new era and become the definite king. Nagi’s weak attitude annoys him, and Baro states that he isn’t even being annoying. After Nagi is confused, Baro says that his hunger is gone, and to go die at rock bottom if he does not want to properly change and find his ego.
Baro angry at Nagi after not giving it his all