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Reiji Hiiragi ( (ひいらぎ) (れい) () Hiiragi Reiji?) is a contender of the Blue Lock Project, who is currently a member of England's Manshine City during the Neo-Egoist League.

Quick Answers

What is the significance of Reiji Hiiragi's jersey number in the Blue Lock Project? toggle section
In the Blue Lock Project, Reiji Hiiragi is assigned the jersey number 22 during the Second and Third Selection. His position on the field is a forward, and he excels in TrappingPredictions. Hiiragi is presently part of England's Manshine City team in the Neo Egoist League.
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How does Reiji Hiiragi's interest in fortune telling influence his character in Blue Lock? toggle section
Reiji Hiiragi, a participant in the Blue Lock Project, leverages his fortune telling interest as a strategic asset in his forward position. His predictive ability, termed his 'weapon', allows him to foresee game dynamics and make impactful decisions. This skill also shapes his interactions, notably his astonishment at Isagi's strategic skill during the Japanese Representative Match.
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What role does Reiji Hiiragi play in England's Manshine City during the Neo Egoist League? toggle section
Reiji Hiiragi, a contender in the Blue Lock Project, is part of England's Manshine City team in the Neo Egoist League. Here, global club owners and sponsors assess players' values, and they vie for prominence. Hiiragi, identifiable by his long white hair, is a key player in this competition.
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Hiiragi is a tall young man with long black hair tied into a bun and all-white iris with twin moles below each eye.

During the Second and Third Selections, he wore the #22 on his jersey.


Hiiragi is an open person who is very into fortunetelling since, as soon as he meets with Nagi, Chigiri, and Baro, he proposes to tell them their fortune via tarot cards with an application on his phone. He gets excited when his predictions turn out to be true, seems to be quite confident in his skills in both fortunetelling and soccer, and often likes to taunt and boast about both to his opponents. He is very logical and analytical, heavily relying on statistics and rationality to read and outplay his opponents.

Hiiragi tends to get very frustrated when things don't go the way his data predicted they would and can easily get ticked off when someone calls him names.



  • Forwards: also known as strikers, have the main objective of scoring goals. They are often the players who get the most attention since their role is designed to be in a scoring position. They also take part in penalty kicks and corner kicks when the opposing team kicks the ball out of bounds. They are normally the players in charge of starting off the game at the start and halftime.
  • Tactical Director: Tactical directors are people who use carefully planned strategies in order to achieve a specific end. They deeply analyze industry trends and market forces, trying to anticipate the moves of their competitors. They try to beat them to the punch before they even know they are in a fight. They are usually the figurehead in the majority of the plays; whether they are the leading actor or not, their ideas usually inspire their plans.

    Hiiragi is able to use his existing data on other players to create a goal scoring formula based around his data gathered on their previous gameplay. Nagi has described his playstyle as a hybrid between his and Yoichi Isagi's.


  • Big Data Soccer: Hiiragi's obsession with fortune telling allows for him to fixate on causation and playmaking. Using his analysis of players personalities, thoughts, and movement pattern data, he's able to predict how they will act during a game. This allows him to create a formula designed to crush them in individual situations as well as group situations. An example of this is when Hiiragi could easily predict the plays of both Nagi and Baro simply by understanding their playstyle and personalities, allowing him to easily get past both players.
  • Trapping: While his trapping in some situations can rival even Nagi's, Hiiragi's trapping is more used when he's in motion rather than being stationary. This weapon was put on full display when he was able to perform a running trap without losing speed against Nagi, as well as perform a trap while rotating to score a goal.

Manga Appearances[]

v  e
Third Selection Arc
93. Gathering Debut
94. Time has Come
95. Tryouts
96. Chosen Path
97. Last Ticket
98. Villain
99. The Assassin and the Ninja
100. Optimal X Supreme - Worst
101. New Relation
102. The World of Feeling
103. Total Sensory Experience
104. Trance
105. 5 X 6
106. Chameleon
107. All Matches Over
108. Top 11
v  e
U-20 Arc
109. Battle Group
110. Newcomer
111. FLOW
112. Grand Stage
113. Cops and Robbers
114. Quartet
115. Sae Itoshi
116. Revenger
117. Nice to Meet You
118. Warped
119. Third Arrow
120. Blue Genes
121. 1st HALF
122. Headliner
123. World's Best
124. Night Snow
125. Ruin
126. 2nd HALF
127. Dragon Drive
128. Dramatic Exchange Appears
129. Cool Head and Chameleon
130. The World Doesn't Know Me Yet
131. What You Taught Us Appears
132. Dictator
133. Extreme Focus
134. Flowers
135. Shachihoko
136. Culmination
137. Last Step
138. One Mind in Two Bodies
139. Synchronize
140. Essence
141. Monster Trance
142. World Standard
143. Not Alone
144. Disposition
145. Born Slippy
146. Final Match-up
147. Last Attack
148. Declaration
149. Complete Appears
150. Holiday
151. Changing World

Anime Appearances[]

v  e
Season 1
1. Dream Absent
2. Monster Absent
3. Soccer's "Zero" Absent
4. Premonition and Intuition Absent
5. To Be Reborn Absent
6. I'm Sorry Absent
7. Rush Absent
8. The Formula for Goals Absent
9. Awakening Absent
10. Just the Way It Is Absent
11. The Final Piece Absent
12. The Second Selection Absent
13. TOP3 Absent
14. The Geniuses and the Average Joes Absent
15. Devour Absent
16. Tri-Fusion Absent
17. Donkey Absent
18. The Stage for the Lead Absent
19. Dancing Boy Absent
20. Super Link-Up Play Absent
21. I'm Not There Absent
22. Voice Absent
23. Luck Absent
24. The Time Has Come Debut
v  e
Season 2
25. Tryouts Appears
26. The Assassin and the Ninja Appears
27. The World of Feeling Absent
28. Chameleon Absent
29. Flow Appears
30. Grand Stage Appears
31. Sae Itoshi Appears
32. Blue Genes Appears
33. Night Snow Absent
34. Dramatic Exchange Appears
35. What You Taught Us Appears
36. Flowers Absent
37. You're Not Alone Absent
38. Last Attack Appears


  • His given name, Reiji ( (れい) () ?), means "a zero sequence."
  • His surname, Hiiragi ( (ひいらぎ) ?), means "holly olive," a flowering plant native to southern Japan.
  • His name can thus be interpreted as "a zero-sequential holly olive."



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