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The Stage for the Lead (主役の座 (ステージ) Sutēji?) is the 18th episode of the Blue Lock anime series.


Isagi and Nagi paint countless possibilities for goals as they understand each other's weapons. Likewise, Kunigami and Mikage make a great effort centering around Chigiri, who has evolved one step further. In the midst of all, Baro, the king of the field, was left out from the chain of evolution because of his strong ego. When Isagi takes the leading role of the field from him, the sense of defeat makes Baro kneel down to the ground.


Baro can't understand how he is brought to his knees without even being able to score. He recalls that ever since he was a kid, he had the leading role on the field and had proclaimed himself "king". He didn't know why others were happy just being the supporting role, but had decided to not try and understand them, and just pursue his own style. In time he figured that he doesn't play because he feels like a king or likes to kick the ball around, but because he could grab someone who dedicated their life to football and drag them off the stage and spotlight with his goals. Baro knows that he feeling of incomparable joy is only available to the truly strong ones.

Baro forced to pass

Baro forced to pass

Team White knows that if they conceal another goal, they will lose. Isagi and Nagi are planning their next move, but suddenly Baro comes and takes the ball. he immediately takes a direct shot from the midfield, but for the Red Team's luck, he hits the post. Kunigami goes to take the loose ball, but Nagi is quick to cover him. Kunigami is forced to pass to Mikage, however, Isagi anticipated that and heads to steal the pass. Seeing that, Mikage tackles him, kicking the ball off Isagi's feet. The loose ball heads towards Baro, who finally sees his chance and he is also approaching his ideal shooting range. Chigiri is speeding up behind Baro and he realizes that if he touches the ball, Chigiri will catch up. Baro wonders what to do, to shoot or not. In that moment, Isagi appears in front of him and gives him a look requesting the ball. Without thinking Baro passes to Isagi with his first touch. Isagi goes alone against the goalkeeper and takes a shot and scores, equalizing the score. Isagi congratulates Baro on the pass and tells him to continue to move so that he can score.

Baro feels like his word is shattering as despair grips his heart. He wonders if this is defeat and notes that he didn't make that pass, but was forced to do it. Baro realizes that at that moment, he lost to Isagi.

Team Red decides to keep the ball away from Isagi and score with the next restart as the ball will be in their control. Chigiri suggests they use his speed as at the moment that gives the best possibility for scoring. Isagi tells Nagi that they need to take the ball. Nagi notes that Chigiri is a problem due to his speed and as he now controls the ball with his first touch if they start running at the same time as him, they won't be able to stop him. Isagi then states they should stop him before that. Isagi starts sharing his plan, but Nagi stops him and wonders if they should tell Baro about it. Isagi states it's pointless to say anything to a dethroned king, and the two of them will decide the last play.

Nagi manages to intercept the pass

Nagi manages to intercept the pass

The game restarts and Nagi covers Chigiri, while Isagi blocks Mikage and some paths toward Chigiri. Mikage sees that and that the path to Kunigami is wide open, but realizes that Isagi and Nagi doesn't care about it. Mikage wants to play with Chigiri, but as they cover him tightly, he passes to Kunigami. Kunigami wonders what to do, but finds it too risky to try and pass to Chigiri or outplay Baro and returns the ball to Mikage. Mikage then wonders what to do and decides to outplay Isagi, even if he doesn't pass him. He runs to the right. Chigiri sees that and immediately moves towards the center. That opens a possible pass and Mikage sees it. However, as Mikage passes, Nagi runs in the opposite direction, directly towards the ball. Mikage realizes it and that as Nagi can't outrun Chigiri, he is trying to intercept the pass himself. Isagi congratulates Mikage on the good pass and explains that they were waiting for exactly that. Mikage can't believe they have taken such a big gamble at the end of the match, since if Nagi doesn't reach the ball, Chigiri will score. Nagi manages to reach the ball and stops it and then passes it to Baro.

Baro awakens and scores

Baro awakens and scores

As Baro had accepted defeat, it became clear to him that the field is shining for Isagi's goals. Strangely, he is fine with it, guesses it's because he is no longer the leading role. Nagi and Isagi both are wanting the ball, showing him routes to scoring. With Baro now in a supporting role, he can make the pass and they can win, with him being a vital piece in their next goal. As the two are shining too bright for him, Baro realizes how his supporting teammates have felt before. He feels his sense of defeat can be salvaged by entrusting the goal to the strikers. He wonders if that is what it means to be a team and if this is how he creates a chemical reaction with them. Baro is about to pass but then wonders what future awaits him after the pass. He realizes that entrusting the goal to them may indeed salvage him from the sense of defeat, but that would be just escapism for those with broken dreams, and it is a loser's excuse. Baro refuses to live in such a future and stops himself from passing. He does a chop feint and acute-angle dribbling, and passes Kunigami. Mikage guesses that Baro will now pass, but he uses another chop and passes him as well. Mikage realizes that Baro used Isagi as a decoy and with his lightning dribble with cutbacks, Baro had evolved. Kunigami tells Chigiri to cover Baro as he won't be passing anymore. As Chigiri approaches, Baro goes behind Isagi to cover his next move, with which he then passes Chigiri as well. Isagi sees that Baro had awakened and devoured him, and realizes that devouring each other is their chemical reaction. Baro refuses to play the supporting role and if Isagi is the lead, then he is more than happy to play the villain and devour his light. Baro then takes the shot and as he scores, Nagi welcomes the return of the King.

With 4-5, Team White is the winner. Isagi goes for a high five, but Baro grabs him and tells Isagi to take back his words that he is a "donkey". Isagi apologizes and states he was wrong as Baro is amazing. Nagi then jumps on them and makes them fall. He didn't knew know Baro could do such chops and Baro explains that it just came to him. Isagi asks him how it came to him as he wants to know more about Baro. Baro explains that he believed the field belonged only to him, but Isagi and Nagi were the first to steal the lead role from him. In order to survive Blue Lock, he found a way to dominate the field as the villain. Nagi states the opponents were quite strong otherwise he won't have felt that and Baro agrees. Hearing about how his new "chop dribbling" weapon was born, Isagi states again that Baro is amazing. Baro states he won't lose to Isagi ever again. Nagi realizes that Baro used Isagi's actual name for the first time and not a nickname and wants Baro to call him "Nagi", but Baro refuses.

Isagi, Nagi and Baro wonder on who to pick

Isagi, Nagi and Baro wonder on who to pick

Teieri is impressed by Baro's talent and wonders if his awakening was in Ego's calculations. Ego states it wasn't and it was all Baro's talent doing. Ego explains that defeat is a phenomenon that must exist in the world of competition and even if you are the best striker, you can't win all your games. It's important what you take from the defeat. The average players don't acknowledge their mistakes and make excuses and trick themselves into thinking that not giving up is the right answer. Ego calls this "dream doping". Those that continue to fight in spite of their despair are bestowed with the power to achieve their dream.

Chigiri regrets that their last pass didn't go through, or he could have scored and they would have won. Kunigami knows he wasn't good enough and didn't stand a chance when they showed their true strength. Team White then gathers to see who they will pick to join them.

Additional Time[]

Anri Teieri's Blue Lock Journal[]

In her journal, Teieri reveals that she wakes up at 5:30, checks her mail, and does morning yoga. At 6:30, she wakes up Ego and cleans his room. At 7:30, they eat breakfast. At 9:00, she checks the health data of each player and has a meeting with Ego. At 10:00, she checks the progress of the selection, and at 10:30, she updates the personal data of each player. At 12:30, she is having lunch.

At 13:30, she studies football, reading books on tactics and mental training, while also eating some snacks. At 15:00, she again checks the progress of the selection, and at 15:30, she has a meeting with Ego. At 18:00, she writes up reports for the JFU. At 19:30, she checks the health data of each player again. At 20:30, her work day is over and she changes into more comfortable clothes and removes her makeup. At 21:00, she is having dinner.

Teieri recalls that Ego is eating only instant cup noodles and is concerned about his health. She decides to make him something healthy and prepares him a late-night snack of stir-fried veggies with a broccoli salad. Ego adds tons of mayo and spices and states that it's delicious. Teieri is angry as that ruined the whole point but manages to hold her anger and goes to sleep.

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