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Tri-Fusion (三者融合 (トライ・セッション) Torai Sesshon?) is the 16th episode of the Blue Lock anime series.


Isagi struggles to figure out how to make a coherent strategy that plays to his, Baro, and Nagi's strengths before their next match begins. And their next set of opponents are all familiar faces...


Nagi calling Baro a Maid Baro

Nagi calling Baro a Maid Baro

Nagi and Baro are fighting over who is going to sleep on the single bed. Isagi is trying to stop them. As Nagi sneezes, he scolds them for kicking up dust. Baro then tells Isagi to ventilate the room and goes tidy up the sheets, stating they shouldn't leave towels and clothes on the floor. As he folds them, Nagi states he is more like Maid Baro. Baro states that they won't get along with Mr. Hassle Man. Nagi doesn't like the nickname and wants Baro to change it, since it may upset his parents. Isagi realizes that Baro has some absolute rules that must not be broken, and things have to be just right or he won't be satisfied. Isagi guesses that his "rules" may be his driving force behind his ego that makes his exceptional skills possible. Isagi wants to know more about him, so that they can made a chemical reaction and asks Baro to come and train with him.

Nagi and Isagi are practicing, but Baro is still doing his daily physical training routine. Nagi wants Baro to join them, but Baro explains he needs forty more minutes and then will come. Isagi guesses that his strict regime and self-discipline are why he is so strong. Isagi decides to join him. Baro doesn't believe he can keep up, but Isagi states that they won't know until he tries it. Seeing them, Nagi decides to also join them.

Anri Teieri reports on the Blue Lock project and explains that during the 2nd Selection, interpersonal relations, self-awareness, and understanding others are all improving. Each player has to think for themselves to get their team playing. That way, they will grow into independent strikers without compare. Hirotoshi states that they are providing plausible arguments, but it all comes down to talent. They want Ego to produce a star faster. Ego calls them money grabbers and questions them how many geniuses have they crushed that way. He states that all they do is creating a temporary genius, and the fans go crazy about this "genius", and spend tons of money on shirts and tickets. The deluded "genius" goes off to play overseas totally unprepared, but he is back in two or three years, because he can't produce results due to "cultural and language barriers". He then spends the rest of his days as mid-level player in the domestic league. If they continue this cycle, they will forever be third-rate. One of the men states they have operational costs and making money is necessary to some extent. Ego then asks them what is a talent. A natural gift you are born with, or is it being blessed with a splendid physique. To Ego, those things only make you diamond in the rough. Talent is the skill to prove one's own ability. Ego is producing a genius in Blue Lock and is dedicating his life to demonstrating it. Hirotoshi smiles and states they are looking forward to the results and reminds him that failure isn't an option.

Isagi and Nagi return to their room and see that Baro had taken and already sleeping in the single bed. They get annoyed, but Isagi sees that the room is tidier and their clothes are folded, so he guesses Maid Baro did it. Nagi is fine, stating its too much hassle to argue and goes on the top bed to sleep. Isagi then realizes they put him in the worst bed, the bottom of the bunk.

Kunigami, Mikage, Chigiri are practicing and note that they are working good as a team. Chigiri guesses that Isagi and the rest had advanced already and they need to start moving or they may clear all the stages. Kunigami agrees, but explains that they can't just play someone mediocre as they will get a mediocre player and then may lose to Isagi. They ask what Mikage things, but Mikage doesn't care as long as he can beat Nagi and make him say he needs him.

Isagi wonders what "adaptability" means and if its getting stronger to match the strength of the opponents. And if that's the case, his next target should be Baro. During lunch, Isagi sits next to Baro and ask him what is his ideal playstyle. Isagi wants to make a chemical reaction, but to do that, the two need to know each other's ideal playstyle. Baro states he should just help him score and that's all. Isagi reminds him that he lost to them and he should consider coordinating with his teammates. Baro says he should have wo if Naruhaya did what he needed him to. Isagi says that he still lost and while he can score goals, he alone won't make his team win. Baro states his rule is "win through my goals" and if he wanted to win by teamplay, he should have picked Naruhaya. Isagi explains that he and Naruhaya would have understood each other, but as he emulated his weapon, Isagi knows the two can't produce a chemical reaction. Baro has weapons that Isagi can't obtain even if he trains his entire life and with him, Baro's talent can shine brighter. Baro stands up and leaves, stating that that in that case, he has even more reason to do as Baro says. Isagi gets frustrated and guesses that Baro doesn't have any friends. Baro has talent, but can't win on his own and to Isagi he feels like a wasteful genius.

Chigiri and Kunigami teasing Isagi for not waiting for them

Chigiri and Kunigami teasing Isagi for not waiting for them

Isagi goes to take a bath and ends up meeting Kunigami there, who is surprised that Isagi is still at the third stage. Isagi explains that he lost Bachira to Itoshi's team and then took Baro and condemned Naruhaya. Chigiri also shows up, revealing he teamed up with Kunigami and both Chigiri and Kunigami then tease Isagi for not waiting for them. Isagi explains that he intended to wait for them, but Nagi asked him. They see that Nagi is also in the bathroom, floating in the bath and note that if he asked them, they probably too would have agreed. Baro shows up and tells Nagi to not swim in the public bath. Baro scolds the rest too and then tries dragging Nagi out. Chigiri wonders if Isagi know who they will play next, but Isagi states they don't. Isagi wonders about them, but before Chigiri answers, Mikage states they are obviously playing against Isagi's team. Nagi is happy to see Mikage and starts telling him how much he trained, but Mikage stops him, stating they are enemies now. Chigiri and Kunigami also confirm they want to play against them and Isagi agrees.

Isagi tell Nagi and Baro that they should pass around so Baro can move easy, and if the situation allows it, he and Nagi will use their link-up play. Nagi agrees, stating he will be scoring a lot. Baro tells him to pass, but Nagi doesn't want to as he won't pass back, even so Baro tells him he still should pass him. As the two start arguing, Isagi figures they won't be able to play well together and its up to him to trigger a chemical reaction. Nagi wonders why Isagi accepted that fast and Isagi explains he didn't want them to underestimate them. Isagi states their weapons are Nagi's first touch, Baro's dribbling and Isagi's direct shot, but that means they are lacking in one area and that is speed, which is why Isagi wants to get Chigiri in order to take on Itoshi's team again. Baro states they need someone who is good at hold-up play so they can pass him the ball, and wants Kunigami, who is good at ball retention. Isagi agrees that with Kunigami, the ball would stay up front more. Nagi guesses he will choose Mikage as he promised him to play again with him. Isagi states they are all wanting different people, but Nagi guesses they can decide later, and if they lose, they will take one of them. Isagi then decides they go over their formation once more.

Kunigami thinking of a formation

Kunigami thinking of a formation

Kunigami proposes that Mikage plays in the middle and provides balance, while he and Chigiri attack from the sides. For defense, Mikage states he wants to cover Isagi and prove to Nagi that he is better than Isagi. Kunigami choses Baro due to their physic and that leaves Nagi for Chigiri. The three then wonder on who should they take if they win. Kunigami notes that Isagi's weapon will fit greatly in their team, and Baro's individual skills are appealing, but going purely on attributes, they should pick Nagi. Chigiri agrees and wonders what Mikage thinks, but Mikage thinks it would be better to not pick Nagi, so that he can go through the same as Mikage. Chigiri states they should vote after the game.

Aryu and Tokimitsu go around and try to find a team to play with, but the team they ask declines as Itoshi's team consist of the top three players. Tokimitsu starts to worry as no one wants to play against them. Bachira states he doesn't want to play yet as he is waiting for Isagi. Tokimitsu wonders what they will do if Isagi's team doesn't make it, but Bachira assures him that Isagi will come. Bachira then goes to Itoshi and asks him to play against him, guaranteeing that he will be having fun.

Mikage and Kunigami take the ball from Baro

Mikage and Kunigami take the ball from Baro

The game between Isagi's team in white versus Kunigami's team in red is starting. Baro gets the ball and Kunigami covers him, however he gets close and also backs up. Kunigami then allows Baro to roam free in certain direction, noting that he can't stop him 100% of the time. Isagi then realizes that Kunigami is only getting close to Baro when he dribbles towards his shooting zone and leaving him when he goes on the other direction. Isagi wants the ball, but Baro intends to keep playing alone. Mikage covers Isagi, but they know that Baro won't pass, so Mikage helps Kunigami and they take the ball from him.

Team Red counterattacks, and Mikage and Kunigami face Isagi, who wonders on what to do. He decides to wait until Mikage makes a move and pass to Kunigami and then attempts to intercept it, however as Mikage passes and Isagi is unable to reach it, he realizes the pass is for Chigiri, who is speeding up on the left side. Nagi manages to catch up as Chigiri had to slow down when taking the ball, however after that Chigiri speeds up again and leaves Nagi behind. Isagi realizes that Team Red understand each other weapons and have achieved fusion that surpasses geniuses like Baro and Nagi. Chigiri then takes a shot and scores.

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Maid Cafe King Baro[]

Maid Baro welcomes the customers at Maid Cafe King Baro. He severs his specialty the King Love Omurice with extra hearts. Nagi guesses that this is how a Maid Baro would look, something that Isagi finds quite gross. Baro then yells them to not do weird stuff with him in their imaginations. Nagi then has an idea that may work, Swearing Maid Cafe. The two then imagine how Maid Baro would want them to leave the cafe, and pour ketchup on their heads instead of the omurice while insulting them. Isagi believes that may work and is a good business opportunity. An angry Baro denies it, stating he will kick them to death.

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