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Devour ( Kueru?) is the 15th episode of the Blue Lock anime series.


Right after the game starts, Baro steals a goal with his overwhelming individual skills. Improved Naruhaya leads Isagi and Nagi by the nose, forcing them a tough time. Naruhaya is desperate to catch up to geniuses like Baro and Nagi to survive in Blue Lock. Just the same, Isagi struggles but finds a glimpse of his new weapon, inspired by Naruhaya's move. In the extreme condition where the egos of everyone collide, the time has come for Isagi to evolve.


Naruhaya passes to Baro

Naruhaya passes to Baro

Naruhaya decides to shoot, but Blue Lock Man saves it. Isagi and Nagi attempt to reach the rebound ball, however Baro is faster and takes the ball and scores, giving his team the lead with 3-2. Isagi realizes he and Naruhaya are the same. While Naruhaya is able to get behind the defense, he lacks shooting skill. Isagi is opposite, his direct shots work, but can't get behind the defense. The one who overcomes his limitations first will win this game.

Isagi wants to find what he is lacking and is ready to use anything. He tries two-on-one passes and to then outrun Naruhaya, but Naruhaya catches up. Isagi ends up again passing to Nagi, who then scores and equalizes the game. Isagi figures that just changing tactics and actions, won't help him find what he is lacking. He realizes that change can only begin when you tear down everything you were before. Baro takes a shot from the center, guessing this time he will score, but Nagi manages to return and block the ball. Isagi manages to get the ball, but Naruhaya comes from behind and takes it from him, stating he won't be losing one-on-one to him. Naruhaya then prepares to take a shot, but Nagi comes and seeing his eyes, Naruhaya freezes. Baro then comes from the side asking for the ball. Naruhaya also gets scared by his eyes and passes him the ball, after which Baro scores. Team Red needs one more goal to win. Isagi knows that this play was important as they could have taken the lead, but as he lost the ball, they are now behind. He wonders if he observed Naruhaya, if he could have prevented him from stealing the ball, but since Naruhaya came from behind him, he just won't have been able to see him anyway, in his blind spot. Thinking of a blind spot, Isagi starts to wonder if Naruhaya always positions himself where Isagi can't see him. Isagi realizes that one-on-one isn't when you only have the ball and there is "off the ball" one-on-one. And if he considers every move that's made on the field as part of one continuous one-on-one, it goes against everything he considered normal up to now.

The game continues and Isagi is with the ball against Naruhaya. Isagi recalls Itoshi, who told him to read a book about human eye, which means Itoshi was also taking advantage of Isagi's blind spot. Now that Isagi knows about his blind spot and "off the ball", he found the pieces he needs and intends to overwrite his concept of football. Isagi passes to Nagi, who manages to equalize again. Isagi has no issues taking down everything that makes it who he is, as long as he wins, he is ready to be reborn again and again.

Isagi finding his missing pieces

Isagi finding his missing pieces

Nagi tells Isagi that next goal will decide the game and that they need to steal the ball. As Isagi isn't responding, he approaches him and Isagi call him "genius" and to shut up as he is about to get to the good part. Nagi recalls Isagi used the exact same words in their game when Isagi evolved and decides to take it as "we're gonna win".

Sometime earlier, Naruhaya is eating dumplings with his family. Some of the smaller kids complain they are eating dumplings again, but Naruhaya tells them to be grateful that their big sister got them free dumplings from her work. One of them complains that she is tired of being poor, but Naruhaya cheers her up, saying she should smile, which causes the rest of the kids to also smile. Its been two year since they lost their parents. Naruhaya decides to become a pro player and make lots of money to give his family a life of luxury and protect them. When he gets accepted in Blue Lock, his oldest sister gives him a box with good luck charm. Naruhaya keeps holding that charm and carries it all the time.

Team Red is about to continue the game. Nagi stands on the goal post to prevent Baro from taking a direct shot. Naruhaya suggest they go easy two-on-one to get closer to the goal. He wants them to pass to each other, but Baro tells him to shut up as he already had decided what to do, live as he please and win as he please. Baro then takes a direct shot, however this time he curves the ball and it goes to the left side instead on the right where Nagi is waiting. However, his shot hits the top post and the ball bounces off. Naruhaya, Isagi and Nagi head towards the ball. Baro runs on the side and asks Naruhaya to pass him when he reaches the ball. Naruhaya wonders if that is his best options, but concludes that he wants to have a skill to take shots and score. He takes a direct shot, however he too hits the post. Nagi takes the ball and prepares for a counter attack. Isagi realizes that Naruhaya tried to emulate Isagi's direct shot to find the piece he is missing so he can score. Isagi then realizes the key is emulation and he needs to fuse his weapon with Naruhaya's.

Isagi passes Baro

Isagi passes Baro

Isagi runs and Baro runs with him to cover him. Isagi notes that until now he was neglecting the eyes of those without the ball. Baro needs to observe Isagi's movement and Nagi who is with the ball. However since its impossible to look at both of them at the same time, Isagi waits for his window of opportunity and get into Baro's blind spot. As Baro checks on Nagi, Isagi changes direction and goes behind Baro, who after seeing Isagi, shifts his weight to respond to Isagi's movement, but in that moment Isagi again changes direction. Nagi sees how Isagi frees himself of Baro and gives him a pass. Naruhaya recognizes that Isagi is using his footwork. Isagi then takes a direct shot and scores, winning them the game. Naruhaya notes that it took Isagi only a second to take his skill and devour it.

Naruhaya is angry that this isn't him and if the ball went in before that, things would have been different. Isagi states they were close and either of them could have won, but Naruhaya disagrees and states that he also believed they are the same, but now that he lost, he gets it. He needed Isagi's direct shot and tried emulating it, but he produced only a shallow imitation. However, Isagi is different. He took Naruhaya's weapon and mastered it, and its because Isagi isn't afraid to change. Isagi isn't an Average Joe and is always prepared to tear down everything he is, so that he can rebuild himself and become a better version. Naruhaya states that Isagi is a genius of adaptability. Isagi thanks Naruhaya, stating that after going one-on-one with him, Isagi is now stronger. Naruhaya doesn't want Isagi to pity him. Nagi asks Isagi who they will be picking. Isagi states they need to get higher and turns to Baro and tells him to join them as this isn't where he bows out. Naruhaya stops Isagi from saying anything to him. He thanks him for knocking him down. Naruhaya takes out the charm and apologizes to his family, stating this is where his dream ends. Naruhaya tells Isagi to keep winning until the day he dies.

Kunigami and Chigiri invite Mikage

Kunigami and Chigiri invite Mikage

24 hours earlier, Kunigami and Chigiri are thinking on who to be their third. Chigiri notes they need someone who can compliment their abilities and is a good passer. They see Mikage sulking and Chigiri guesses its because he was dumped by Nagi. Chigiri states they are in the same boat and want to crush Isagi and Bachira for leaving them behind. Kunigami asks Mikage if he wants to join them.

In the break room, Isagi tries to calm down Nagi and Baro. The two are arguing on who to sleep on the single bed. Isagi also wishes to sleep on it. Baro states the bunk bed is too small and it shakes when the guy on the top bunk turns over. Nagi suggest they should use rock-papper-scissors as there is no rule that says Baro can choose first. Baro states he is the rule. Nagi state that Baro lost, so he should stop barking and perish as he is a former king now and then throws a pillow at him. Baro dodges the pillow and states he didn't lose individually, and that his rule is absolute. He also throws a pillow and they start a fight, who ends up hitting Isagi, who wonders if he misjudged what it means to have those two as teammates.

Additional Time[]

Reo, a Maiden in Love?[]

Kunigami wakes up and wonders where is Mikage. Chigiri states that he went to brush his teeth 30 mins ago and still haven't come back. They go to check him and find Mikage plucking his toothbrush like a flower petals wondering if Nagi is coming back or not. The last one is for Nagi coming back. Mikage then chuckles and breaks the toothbrush, eerie noting that Nagi shouldn't assume Mikage will be the same person when Nagi comes back. Mikage then takes another toothbrush and starts plucking it again, he will or will not be cold to Nagi.

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