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The Final Piece (最後の欠片 (ピース) Saigo no Pīsu?) is the 11th episode of the Blue Lock anime series.


By Kuon's self-sacrificing foul, Team Z has a little bit of hope. During the last play that determines their fate, Isagi finds the final piece of the puzzle that's necessary for his evolution. With the players' "awakening" and "evolution," the first selection of Blue Lock where ego comes head to head, finally comes to an end.


Gagamaru saves the ball from the goal line. The ball gets to Isagi, who then feels this is their last chance. He starts a counter attack with Bachira, Kunigami and Chigiri, and feels the four of them can score. Isagi passes to Bachira who passes some players, but as he is about to be fouled, Isagi asks for the ball back and then passes to Chigiri. As the enemy team is wary of him, Isagi again requests the ball and Chigiri feels they will cut through the defense with one-two pass. Team V also feels the same and focus on Chigiri to prevent to incoming pass, however Isagi doesn't pass and instead keeps the ball, essentially using Chigiri as a bait.

Kuon notes that his body moved on his own and although he had no intention to help them. He just felt there was something more important than just doing nothing and winning. Looking at Team Z, he sees the football he believed in.

Isagi sees the last two defenders in front of him. He passes to Kunigami, but then sees Tsurugi catching up to Kunigami and tackling him, clearing the ball towards the sideline. Angry, Raichi manages to reach the ball and as he passes to Bachira, he yells that he told them to score. Isagi then sees where Chigiri, Kunigami and the defenders will go and that his position for a goal is a bit to the side and 19 meters from the goal line. Isagi is sure that Bachira is also feeling what he is feeling and Bachira do passes him, trusting he will score. Feeling the goal, Isagi notes he just need to control and shoot the ball, but in that moment he feels the goal chance disappearing as Nagi comes from behind. Isagi knows he can reach the ball first and that his first touch will decide what happens. He wonders on how to stop the ball, but feels its either too risky or Nagi will stop him.

Isagi figuring his formula and taking a direct shot

Isagi figuring his formula and taking a direct shot

Chigiri and Kunigami tell Isagi to pass them, but Isagi wishes to score himself. In that moment, he realizes he spend his time thinking on how to stop the ball, but that will make him nobody in the future. While he has no speed, power or technique, Isagi realizes that he is in Blue Lock for his direct shot. Realizing this is his last piece of his scoring formula, instead of trying to control the ball, Isagi decides to shoot with his first touch. The goalkeeper is unable to stop the ball and Isagi scores and Team Z takes the lead with 5-4. Nagi still haven't given up, but the final whistle blows and Team Z wins over Team V. Nagi then realizes how it feels to lose after a serious fight.

Raichi punching Kuon

Raichi punching Kuon

Kunigami invites Kuon to celebrate with them. Raichi is against it as Kuon is still a traitor, but admits that if he didn't tackle Nagi, they would have lost and invites him to celebrate with them. Kuon accepts, but in that moment Raichi punches him, stating he will hate him for the rest of his life, but now they are even.

As all games in Building 5 have ended, the announcer reveals the final standing. Team V is first and all their eleven players continue. Team Z is second and their eleven players continue. From Team W, Junichi Wanima continues as Team W's top scorer with 6 goals. Ikki Niko continues from Team Y with 4 goals. Shoei Baro continues from Team X with 10 goals. Those 25 players advance to Building 5's second Blue Lock selection.

Team Z prepares to celebrate. Isagi and Bachira go to gather some drinks. Isagi thanks Bachira for passing him, but Bachira states he isn't the one that done something amazing. Bachira is sure that Isagi learned something and Isagi confirms that he finally understand what his weapon and talent is. Isagi explains that even if he predicts where the ball will be, he loses the shooting chance when he tries to control it. He then realizes that in his previous goals he took a direct shot. He then completed his formula and feels his time as a striker begins. Moments later, the two see other teams crying as they leave Blue Lock. Niko then congratulates them on surviving and notes he survived too. Niko explains that he awakened thanks to Isagi and instead of restraining himself and passing to others, he switched his style and took shots himself. He is still in Blue Lock thanks to Isagi, but won't be loosing next time and will crush Isagi. Isagi states he is also here thanks to Niko, but he won't be losing to him. Isagi realizes that his goal ended someone's dreams, but at the same time spurred others, and feels he want to win even more. Bachira and Isagi return with the drinks, but find Team Z already asleep.

The next day, Ego tells the players that they will be doing physical conditioning without touching the ball. Raichi is annoyed they won't be starting with the second selection, but Ego reminds him that they are at the bottom and will do what he tells them. He reveals that the top buildings were exempt from the first selection and instead did state-of-the-art training, so they will have to wait until they have finished up.

The players then spend 10 days doing physical conditioning. The announcer then reveals the first selection has ended and asks them to gear up and head to the central basement area in their building. Isagi and the rest are excited to finally face other teams. As they gather, Isagi is surprised to see the other players looking a bit beat up and being 237th in ranks and also from Team X and Team W. Ego shows up on screen and notes that they probably noticed already, but there are no players from Building 1 to 4, and the reason is that only Building 5 exists in Blue Lock. Ego explains that they all believed they are the bottom of the pile and fought in the first selection desperately. It was all a ruse to break up their half-baked confidence and give them hunger to become the best in the world. Ego gives example with Noel Noa, who grew up in the slums and his only option to change his fate was football. There are many more strikers in the world with the same fate. However as they are born and raised in Japan, where loosing doesn't affect them, they never know the level of hunger for goals those players have.

Ego explaining the Second Selection

Ego explaining the Second Selection

Ego announces that they will be starting the second selection. The first selection was about finding what it means to be a striker, but they will be multiplying that by hundred. The second selection will consist of five stages and only those who clear a stage get to move on the next one. Those that pass the second selection will participate in a training camp with the world's top players that Ego have handpicked. When they are ready, they should go one by one through the door. The second selection is much harder and those that survived by luck of having good teammates will be sifted out first and only true egoists will remain.

Rin Itoshi going first

Rin Itoshi going first

The players wonder on who should go first. Rin Itoshi then kicks a ball high in a gentle arc. He then kicks a second ball with a low-arching shot with curve and spin and hits his first ball while still in the air. Itoshi then lines at the door stating he is done with his warm-up and wants to enter. Rin Itoshi's name is then shown as challenger and the other realize he is Sae Itoshi's brother. Igarashi feels the place is filled with unreal players, but Isagi and the rest one by one state how unreal they are too. Isagi then goes through the door.

Additional Time[]

Second Selection Rock-Paper-Scissors[]

As Isagi went first from Team Z, the rest wonder if they should use Rock-Paper-Scissors, but Bachira wants to go next. Raichi and the rest one by one then also claim they want to go second. Chigiri doesn't feel the order will change anything and isn't rushing to enter. Igarashi notes that Ego may be evaluating how egoistic he is a such moment and Chigiri may be kicked out. They decide to use rock-paper-scissors and Chigiri plays paper while the rest rock and wins, so he goes next. After him is Bachira, Kunigami, Naruhaya, Gagamaru, Imamura, Iemon, Kuon and Igarashi. That leaves Raichi as last which angers him.

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