Eita Otoya (乙夜影汰,Otoya Eita?) is a contender of Blue Lock, who currently plays as a rightwing for Spain's FC Barcha during the Neo-Egoist League.
When first introduced, he was ranked #4 during the Third Selection and he later played as a right wing and right-back for the match between Blue Lock Eleven and the Japan U-20 team.
What position does Eita Otoya play in Spain's FC Barcha?
Eita Otoya, a character in Blue Lock, plays as a right wing and right-back for Spain's FC Barcha in the Neo Egoist League. He utilizes his agility and off-the-ball movement to contribute to the team's plays, positioning himself ideally and employing one touch passing to maintain ball movement.
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What was Eita Otoya's rank during the Third Selection of Blue Lock?
In the Third Selection of Blue Lock, Eita Otoya held the #4 rank. He was a member of the same Clear Team as Karasu and Yukimiya, known for their strong chemistry despite their playful banter. Otoya subsequently played as a right wing and right-back in the match involving Blue Lock Ele.
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What role did Eita Otoya play in the match between Blue Lock Eleven and the Japan U-20 team?
Eita Otoya, the blue lock white hair guy with green hair, served as a right wing and right-back in the game between Blue Lock Eleven and the Japan U-20 team. He wore the blue Blue Lock player uniform, sporting the jersey #9. The Japan U-20 team, despite their robust defense, failed to score against Blue Lock, leading to their defeat in the first half of the Japan National Representative Match.
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What is Eita Otoya's personality like in Blue Lock?
Eita Otoya from Blue Lock is characterized by a relaxed demeanor, maintaining composure even in high-pressure matches. He confidently taunts opponents and takes amusement in their conflicts. His interactions with Karasu, marked by playful banter, contribute to a powerful dynamic within the Blue Lock team.
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Otoya is a handsome young man who has short, flat white hair with a strand of hair in the middle that is dark green, along with the underside of his hair being that same dark green color. His face is slim with a chiseled chin and thin, low-lidded eyes that are dark in color. Otoya has spindly limbs that allow him to be agile on the field.
At Blue Lock, Otoya wears the standard issued body suit (black with gray stripes) and tracksuit. During Second Selection, he wore Team Red's #33 jersey and wore Team B's #33 white jersey during the Third Selection. Only once the Japan U-20 match begins does he don an official blue Blue Lock player uniform with jersey #9.
Colored Appearance
Team B Uniform
Blue Lock Eleven uniform (Manga)
Blue Lock player icon
Blue Lock Eleven Uniform (Anime)
Otoya has a laidback and relaxed personality, rarely being shown as pressured or under stress even during a match. He has no problem taunting his opponents and appeared to be entertained when Rin and Shido began to fight after their match.
He also is very confident in his abilities, telling his team to play defense during his Third Selection match and not to talk back. Despite this, he does acknowledge when he is impressed by a teammate or an opponent, as seen when he was hyped up by Chigiri's speed.
Otoya has lived his life by "going with the flow," and his fundamental approach was not to worry. When anything unpleasant happened to him, he would override it with fun things and forget it. This personality trait is what made him so compatible with Tabito Karasu as a partner.
Forwards: also known as strikers, have the main objective of scoring goals. They are often the players who get the most attention since their role is designed to be in a scoring position. They also take part in penalty kicks and corner kicks when the opposing team kicks the ball out of bounds. They are normally the players in charge of starting off the game at the start and halftime.
Shadow Striker: Shadow strikers operate as one of the team's main goal scoring threats. Usually coupled with another forward, they aggressively push up into goal-scoring positions as the ball moves into the final third and look to press opposing defenders when out of possession.
Otoya's style of play revolves around identifying and occupying the blind spots on a pitch, created by the positioning of the ball and other players. Combined with his speed, this allows for Otoya to move around on the pitch uncontested, appearing in the worst possible spot in the worst possible moment, allowing for him to receive a pass and score a goal. This style works very well with someone who takes center stage on the pitch, such as Bachira or Karasu, allowing Otoya the freedom to move into the optimal spots.
High Speed Infiltration: Otoya is incredibly quick on his feet, reacting quickly to opposing players and using his speed to intercept them. Unlike Chigiri and Zantetsu's speed, which is a straight-line type based on leg strength that excels in wide open spaces, Otoya's speed is a curved line type for weaving through narrow spaces using agile, delicate footwork. This also involves him shifting his center of gravity when he runs, allowing him to curve between player while at top speed. Not even speedsters like Chigiri or Zantetsu are able to keep up and stop Otoya when he controls the pace. By forcing Otoya into a straight-away sprint, his speed isn't able to compete with others.
Off-the-Ball Movements: A term used to describe the moments where players are not in possession of the ball. Otoyas freedom comes thanks to strong players on the pitch drawing the attention towards themselves. This creates blind-spots on the pitch that Otoya can extort to allow him to run with little pressure. Even in the instance where field blind spots aren't available to him, Otoya is able to use the natural blind spots of players to create a course for him to travel through.
Ninja Stealth Walk: Through this combination of speed and off-the-ball, Otoya is able to quickly weave between opposing players with unpredictable footwork without them realizing before its to late to react. This skill is what allows for Otoya to be an incredible partner with Karasu, as his hold-up plays allow for Otoya to easily move past incredibly difficult opponents.
(To Rin) "It's obvious that you can't get ahead without that one-two pass. So go on and try passing, then."[11]
(To Karasu) "Oh, hell yes. Fight, Fight. I love these kinds of fights. It's like Fight Club."[12]
Majority of this information is from the official Egoist Bible.
On the question "Who is the best gentleman?" Otoya ranks first in the list of the "Three Worst."
His favorite season is summer.
He started playing football at the age of 6.
His dominant foot is his right foot.
His favorite animal is phoenix ("It's on fire").
His first time being confessed to was when he was 5 years old. He gave kisses to 95% of the girls in his preschool and 50% of them confessed to him (Little Menace).
His type is someone who's "bright and honest", but his preference changes a lot, so this isn't too reliable.
He seems to enjoy fights, especially when Rin and Shido broke out into a brawl in front of him.
His favorite food is churros since they put him in a good mood and his disliked food is pickled vegetables as they are "unenjoyable" (A true statement).
He believes the best companion for rice is cute girls ("I like girls that can eat well~").
When asked his first love, Eita answered that it was Dokin-chan when he was 3.
Eita has stated that during the holidays, he likes to hang out with friends or go out on a date.
Eita believes that once he gets a girlfriend, it becomes "tiresome".
When asked the question: "What is your life motto?", Eita answered: "Whether it'll get me excited/pumped or not." (???)
He was in the same team with Tabito Karasu in the First Selection. They were in the same team with Kenyu Yukimiya in the Second Selection.
He seems to be a descendant of ninja.
He gets 8 hours of sleep a night.
If Eita received 100 million yen, he would reserve an entire night pool and "do" as much as he can.