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Impetus ( (しょう) (どう) Shōdō?) is the 32nd chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


The score is 3-3. Kuon is shocked and confused about how Team Z caught up with the undefeated Team V. He wonders how Team Z can fight against Team V with only 10 players. He then screams at Team V, telling them to stop messing around. He then says that Team V should be embarrassed to have a difficult time against only 10 players. Reo then calls Kuon trash and tells him to shut up.

Reo notes that the playing field is currently controlled by Team Z

Reo says that Team Z is controlling the game

The game resumes. Reo has the ball. While dribbling the ball, Reo vows that he won't lose. Reo remarks that he is not his family's toys. Reo then says that he won't be satisfied with people giving him anything he wants. He wants to be able to get the things he wants with his own hands. Raichi then appears in front of Reo. Raichi asks Reo if he is afraid of losing. Raichi remarked that a guy who lived a luxurious life like him might have never experienced a loss ever since. Raichi then says to Reo that he'll be the one to hand Reo his first loss. With Raichi marking Reo, Reo finds it difficult to do something with the ball. He can't pass it to Zantetsu because he is currently being blocked by Chigiri and Naruhaya. On the other hand, Nagi, who is in front of the goal, is blocked by Igaguri and Imamura. Plus, Reo can't forcibly pass through Raichi because he might lose the ball. Having a difficult time, Reo believes that the field is currently controlled by Team Z. Knowing that, Reo can't believe that he and Nagi will lose.  

Nagi sees Reo's troubled face. Immediately, at that moment, Nagi started running. Nagi calls for Reo's attention and tells him to pass to him. Isagi is confused with Nagi's sudden initiative to play. Since the beginning of the match, Nagi was playing halfheartedly. Nagi receives the ball and tells Reo that he'll give it [football] a try.  Nagi easily passes through Igaguri and kicks the ball towards Zantetsu. Zantetsu gets the ball. Avoiding another goal from Team V, Chigiri tries to intercept the ball but failed. Zantetsu passes the ball to Nagi. Apparently, Nagi experienced an awakening. After scoring, Nagi tells Reo that football is quite exhilarating. The score is now 4-3, with Team V in the lead.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Kuon is confused as to how Team Z can catch up with Team V.
  • For the first time, Nagi takes the initiative to attack. Nagi has awakened his potential in football.
  • The score is now 4-3, with Team V in the lead.

Characters in Order or Appearance[]

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