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Extreme Frenzy ( (きょく) (げん) (ねっ) (きょう) Kyokugen no Nekkyō?) is the 30th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


At Team Z's Locker Room, the team is quenching their thirst and wiping away their sweats. Naruhaya, Imamura, and Igaguri are ecstatic, feeling hopeful. Igaguri then tells Kunigami that he was shocked to know that he had a long shooting range. Kunigami says to Igaguri that he was also surprised. Kunigami remarks that he may found a new intuition for a goal. Imamura jokes, saying that Kunigami surpassed his limits a while ago. Hearing that, Isagi remembers Bachira, who also went beyond his limits. Because of this, Isagi felt motivated to find and create his formula. After that, Raichi tells the team that it's Team Z's time to turn the tables. Team Z is now only one goal behind. Meanwhile, at Team V's locker room, Reo tells the team that it will be Team V's victory. Reo then explains that they should change and improve their defense to prevent Team Z from scoring.  

Gagamaru does a scorpion kick (Team Z vs Team V)

Gagamaru does a scorpion kick

The game resumes, and the second half starts. Kunigami has the ball and passes to Bachira. Bachira then kicks the ball toward Gagamaru; however, Gagamaru ran too fast towards the pass that he went beyond its direction. To avoid the ball from being stolen by Team V, Gagamaru does a scorpion kick, an acrobatic shot. Gagamaru kicks the ball, hoping to score a goal. The ball almost hit the net; however, Zantetsu stopped it. Imamura screams for his teammates to retrieve the ball. Isagi gets the ball. Seeing that he's 22 meters from the goal, Isagi doubts that he can score a goal given his shooting power. Even though he's unsure about his shooting skills, he tries to kick. Unfortunately, a player from Team V blocked his shooting course.

The ball is stolen from Isagi by 2 players from Team V

The ball is stolen from Isagi

Isagi finds it impossible to score a goal by himself, seeing that he's shooting course is blocked. Suddenly, Kunigami screams at Isagi and tells him to look behind him. Surprisingly, another player from Team V appears from Isagi's back. Caught unprepared, the ball was stolen from Isagi. Raichi shouts at Isagi and calls him stupid. Raichi remarks that he should've scored a goal, but, instead, he choked. As a result, Isagi tries to find out what he's missing. If only Isagi's good at dribbling, then he would've been able to make a course by himself. If only Isagi had a great physique, he would have been able to force his way through. Then, Isagi tells himself that doubting himself will lead to nothing. The key to evolving lies within himself, not from others' weapons. Isagi asks himself what he can do to improve his skills.

While Isagi was thinking, Nagi catches up to him. Nagi tells Isagi that Isagi is pretty useless. Nagi explains that Isagi had all the cards but threw them away. Nagi then asks Isagi why he didn't shoot, telling Isagi that he has wasted several chances. Nagi then wonders why, unlike all the other teams they've played against, Team Z is still fighting. Nagi asks if Team Z is stupid, believing they can win. He then says to Isagi that he doesn't understand how unskilled players, like Isagi, did not quit football a long time ago. Angered by Nagi's insulting comments, Isagi tells him to shut up. Isagi then says to Nagi that he's on a roll right now. After this, Isagi breakthrough Nagi's defense. Nagi wonders what Isagi will do. Meanwhile, Reo yells at Nagi and tells him to mark Isagi. Before Reo can move to follow Nagi, Raichi stops him. Reo comments that Raichi is like a predator. Raichi agrees, telling Reo that he is his prey.

On the other hand, Anri and Ego are watching the match between Team Z and Team V on a screen. Anri tells Ego that the match is really heated. Ego then says to Anri that a striker's ego can only be born during the most extreme and harsh conditions. During this, the striker is challenged to go beyond his limits to overcome the obstacles in front of him. Ego then remarks that, according to his observation,  a great striker should be able to constantly evolve.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Nagi tells Isagi that unskilled players like Team Z should just quit football.
  • Reo is still unable to attack because of Raichi's defense.
  • Angered by Nagi's offensive comments, Isagi tells him to shut up. Isagi then says that he's on a roll.
  • Anri and Ego are watching the match on the screen.
  • Ego notes that a great striker must be able to evolve continuously.

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