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Until This Fire Burns Out (この (ねつ) () きるまで Kono Netsu ga Tsukiru Made?) is the 22nd chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


After the match

The match between Team W and Team Z ends in a draw. Isagi calls Chigiri and tells him that he was incredible at the game. Chigiri then tells him that it was all Isagi's fault. Chigiri was seething while watching Isagi play so passionately. Chigiri admits to Isagi that he has been restraining himself out of fear of having another injury. Changed by the recent match, Chigiri will keep on running until his legs give up on him. Isagi then smiles at Chigiri's words and tells him that they'll fight together. Chigiri refuses, telling Isagi that he will be the world's best striker.

Kuon beaten and stepped on by Team W

Kuon beaten and stepped on by Team W

After that, Team Z runs to Chigiri's side. Igaguri tells Chigiri that he feels relieved having a teammate with an excellent and reliable weapon. Meanwhile, on the other side of the field, Kuon is getting kicked and stepped on by Team W. Team W believes that Kuon hid information about Chigiri's weapon so that Team Z could win. Although this was not the case, Team W ignores Kuon's explanations. Keisuke, angry at Kuon, shouts that he'll get his revenge at him. To prevent any more violence, Isagi and Kunigami stop Keisuke. Meanwhile, to avoid any backlash from both Team W and Team Z, Kuon runs and escapes the playing field.  

At the locker room

After the match, Team Z is changing in their locker room. Naruhaya remarks that he thought that there was no way Team Z could win since it was a 12 against 10 game. Igaguri then invites them to eat. While walking, they discuss their next match. Raichi tells them that they will challenge Team V next. The chances of winning, however, are slim, considering that Team V has no losses yet. Gagamaru then wonders if they can beat the undefeated Team V with only 10 players (excluding Kuon). Naruhaya then asks where Kuon is.

Betrayal in the dining hall

Reo, Nagi, and Zantetsu rejects Kuon's offer

Reo, Nagi, and Zantetsu rejects Kuon's offer

In the fifth stratum dining hall, Kuon is seeing talking with 3 strangers. Apparently, Kuon is negotiating with the key players of Team V. Just like what he did with Team W, Kuon suggests leaking information about Team Z; in turn, Kuon will be allowed to score against Team V in their next match. Meanwhile, Team Z is frustrated and angered by Kuon's second betrayal. Kuon asks the three players if they find his proposal interesting.

Isagi tells Nagi to not mock football

Isagi tells Nagi to not mock football

The three players, however, rejects his offer. Zantetsu, one of the 3 players, tells him that doing so with mean losing his merit as a player. Continuing his explanation, Zantetsu uses several words inaccurately grammatically. Reo tells Zantetsu to stop acting start and calls him "Dumb Zantetsu." Reo then calls Kuon spineless and lame. Nagi joins the conversation. Nagi says to them that this meeting is annoying. He tells Reo that he wants to leave already. Reo leaves while giving Nagi a piggy-back ride. Zantetsu follows the two. Desperate to survive the first selection, Kuon stops the three, telling them that he has more to say. Nagi snarks at Kuon, saying that those who can't win even after doing their best are weak and are just meant to lose. Nagi suggests quitting to Kuon.  

Isagi, hearing Nagi's insulting words, tells him to not mock those devoted to playing football. Seeing an unfamiliar face, Reo then asks who Isagi is. Along with his team, Isagi introduces himself and vows to win against their team (Team V).

Chapter Notes[]

  • Team V, Team Z's next and last opponents, are considered undefeated in the fifth stratum.
  • For Team Z's last game, they need to win to survive the first selection.
  • Kuon attempted to leaked information about Team Z to Zantetsu, Reo, and Nagi.
  • Zantetsu, Reo, and Nagi reject Kuon's proposal, believing that they can win their talents alone.
  • Isagi tells Team V that he would win against them.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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