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Overwhelming Disadvantage (圧倒的不利 (ディスアドバンテージ) Disuadobantēji?) is the 19th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


Iemon flicks the ball away (Team Z vs Team W)

Iemon flicks the ball away (Team Z vs Team W)

Frustrated by Kuon's sudden betrayal, Isagi vows to get his revenge. Unfortunately for Isagi, Kuon leaked his weakness. Keisuke and Junichi guard Isagi, preventing him from passing the ball to his teammates. Plus, since it's a twelve against ten, Team Z is at a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, Junichi kicks the ball, attempting to score once more. If Team W scores another goal, Team Z would be behind by 2 points, making it more difficult for them to win. Isagi calls for Iemon's help. Fortunately, Iemon flicks the ball away from the net. The ball is now a loose ball, with both teams chasing it. Seeing that Chigiri is near the ball, Isagi shouts Chigiri's name. Chigiri runs toward the ball; however, Keisuke catches up with Chigiri. Keisuke tells him that this day will mark the end of Chigiri's football journey. Chigiri, affected by Keisuke's words, remained glued on the floor. Raichi screams at Chigiri and tells him to defend.

Before Chigiri's injury

A flashback appears showing Chigiri, Keisuke, and Junichi's lives before entering Blue Lock. Keisuke and Junichi were apparently known as the "double aces of Rajitsu Tech." Unlike Keisuke and Junichi, who are regulars, Chigiri is only a rookie. Chigiri tells the twins that he doesn't care about the twins' reputation or rank; instead, he would much rather focus on making a name for himself. Chigiri then shows his excellent speed in football. Both Keisuke and Junichi are shocked to see how fast and precise Chigiri handles the ball.

Because of Chigiri's speed, he became the school's top player soon enough. Chigiri also became famous because of his speed; he appears in some sports magazines and interviews. Chigiri replaced Keisuke and Junichi. Their coach believes that if Chigiri can pull through, the team can manage to win at the nationals. This angers the twins, seeing how they were easily ignored and discarded by their team. Chigiri, however, could not care less. He believes that geniuses, like himself, are naturally superior.

It is then revealed that Chigiri started playing football at the age of 6. Football became everything to him. He believes that, given his talent, he was born to outshine others. With his legs, he can surpass anyone. With his weapon, he can become the world's best striker, capable of scoring no matter the circumstance.

Chigiri's Injury

Chigiri tears his ACL

Chigiri tears his ACL

Chigiri afraid of losing his dream - football

Chigiri afraid of losing his dream: football

Unfortunately, in the middle of a game, Chigiri suffered an injury. The doctor told him that he tore his ACL. Although the tear is not severe, injuring it again would further complicate things and stop him from playing football ever again. Because of his injury, Chigiri is now called "the genius who fell" at his school. He is also ridiculed by the Wanima brothers.

After healing his injury, Chigiri joins the club. Afraid of complicating his injury, Chigiri plays at a much slower pace compared to before. Keisuke notices this and taunts him, suggesting that he is scared of breaking his leg if he goes too fast. On the contrary, Chigiri is not afraid of having another in his leg; instead, he is fearful of losing football, which makes everything of him. This explains why Chigiri was looking for a reason to give up.[1]

Near to giving up, Isagi shouts at Chigiri to run, telling him and that the game is not yet over.

Chapter Notes[]

  • The Wanima brothers were Chigiri's seniors.
  • Chigiri believed that those with talent deserve to shine and dominate others.
  • Chigiri immediately rose to the top in his club due to his unbeatable speed.
  • Chigiri tore his ACL when he was playing at Rajitsu Tech.
  • The chapter ended with the match having a score of 4-3.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


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