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Thanks for the Help (おつかれ Otsukare?) is the 18th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


Unsure of what he saw, Isagi rubs off his doubt as just an imagination. The match resumes with only 15 minutes left. The scores are currently 2-3. Igaguri tells the team that to win, the only thing they need to do is maintain the current score of both teams; however, just in case, they should score another goal as insurance. Team Z tries to create a breakthrough, but they are unsuccessful in doing so.

Isagi asks Kuon if he betrayed Team Z

Isagi asks Kuon if he betrayed Team Z

Meanwhile, a frustrated and distracted Isagi is easily caught off-guard by Junichi. Junichi steals the ball from Isagi. Isagi, seeing Team W's excellent defense, sense something wrong.   Team W is perfectly countering Team Z's weapons. Isagi can't sense the smell of the goal at all! Isagi believes that there is a traitor among Team Z who leaked information about them. Isagi then remembers Kuon's smile.

Still hesitant to accept his guess, Isagi thinks Kuon betrayed the team. Isagi then wonders why Kuon did so. Isagi comes to the conclusion that Kuon believed that Team Z would lose against Team W; thus, to become Team Z's sole survivor, he made sure to score more goals than anyone from the team.

Keisuke and Junichi tells Isagi the truth

Keisuke and Junichi tells Isagi the truth

Desperate to know the truth, Isagi confronts Kuon, asking him if he betrayed the team. Before Kuon can answer, the twins tell Isagi that his guess hits the mark. Keisuke tells them that Kuon shared with Team W everyone's strengths and weaknesses. It is then revealed that Kuon met with Team W when Team Z was strategizing (Chapter 16). As an excuse for being late for their meeting, Kuon told his team that he took a long bath.  

The Betrayal

Raichi, provoked by the sudden revelation, attempts to punch Kuon. Because of his violent behavior, Raichi is given a yellow card. The other players are then asked to return to their specific positions to resume the game.

Igaguri then asks Kuon why he betrayed the team. Kuon calls the team stupid for believing that they could win against the opponents. Kuon then tells his teammate that he will be Team Z's sole survivor. Unlike before, this match will now be a 12 against 10 game. Kuon tells Isagi that he believes Team Z's victory and survival is unlikely. So, in exchange for leaking their weapons, Team W will allow Kuon to score 3 goals; thus, making him the striker with the most goals on the team. After which, Kuon remarks that Isagi is stupid and naive. Kuon believes that bonds like teamwork won't work in Blue Lock. Ego is what will secure one's chance of winning and survival. Kuon explains that his ego derives from winning from betraying others. The current score is 4-3, with Team W in the lead.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Kuon is revealed to have leaked the strengths and weaknesses of Team Z.
  • Kuon believes that Team Z won't survive the first selection.
  • The chapter ended with the game having a score of 4-3. Team W is in the lead.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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