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Blue Lock Wiki

Sorry (ごめん Gomen?) is the 17th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


Serving as Junichi's spokesperson, Keisuke scolds his teammates for not being skilled defenders. The game resumes with a score of 0-1, Team Z in the lead. Junichi has the ball, but it seems like he does not want to score. A half-hearted Junichi made it easy for Kunigami to steal the ball from him. Kunigami then passed the ball to Bachira. Seeing Kuon open and unmarked, Bahira kicks the ball to him. Fortunately, Kuon receives the ball and scores a goal. The score is now 2-0.

Thirty minutes have passed in the first half of the game. Following their new tactic, the three forward players will be Gagamaru, Raichi, and Naruhaya. To stop Naruhaya, who has the ball, Junichi grabs Naruhaya's jersey. Because this is a foul from Team W, Team Z is given a free-kick. Bachira, doing the free-kick, sees his target. Instead of scoring by himself, he kicks at a height advantageous to only one player, Kuon. Kuon hits the ball with his head, scoring another goal. The new score is 3-0, with Kuon scoring all of those 3 points.


With 3 points in the lead, Team Z can't help but feel optimistic. In Team Z's locker room, the players exchange laughs and jokes, confident that they'll win this match. Isagi believes that the team is getting stronger. While exiting the locker room to continue their match, Isagi asks Chigiri if he still wants to give up.

Start of the Second Half

Kuon bows down his head and apologizes (Team Z vs Team W)

Kuon bows down his head and apologizes

The second half of the game starts. Raichi has the ball. Kuon then tells Raichi to slow down and asks for the ball. Raichi says that Kuon better give it back to him later. Shortly after, the second half of the game starts. Raichi passes the ball to Kuon. After Kuon received the ball, Keisuke appears from Kuon's back and steals the ball. Raichi gets mad and calls Kuon an idiot. Keisuke, with the ball, appears in front of Iemon. Iemon believes he can handle Keisuke; however, suprisingly, Keisuke passes to Junichi. With Iemon focused on Keisuke, Junichi was able to score a goal The score is now 3-1, with Team Z in the lead.

Kuon tells his team to not panic over one score. Oddly, Kuon then kicks the ball to Isagi. The pass back, however, was short, allowing Junichi to steal it. Junichi strikes again, changing the score to 2-3. Meanwhile, Raichi shouts at Kuon for being reckless. Kuon apologizes wholeheartedly, making the others accept his mistakes. Oddly enough, Isagi saw Kuon smile cunningly after his teammates have dispersed. Isagi is left confused as to why Kuon smiled after having the opponents score twice.

Chapter Notes[]

  • The 3 goals from Team Z were all scored by Kuon.
  • Unlike the majority of Team Z, Chigiri does not show delight in being in the lead.
  • The chapter ends with a score of 2-3; Team Z is in the lead.
  • In the second half of the game, Kuon has been committing several mistakes, allowing the other team to catch up.
  • Kuon smiled after apologizing, making Isagi wonder why he did so.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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