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"Culmination" ( (しゅう) 大成 (たいせい) Shūtaisei?) is the 136th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


Reo Mikage yells for Blue Lock to go as Seishiro Nagi gains possession of the ball and the rest of the offense responds in kind. Yoichi Isagi notes that Reo sent a super-long pass straight to Nagi and that he did an amazing job saving the ball. Now Blue Lock has to score; this is their chance to turn the game around. There are four people on the offensive right now, Isagi, Nagi, Shoei Baro, and Rin Itoshi, against the Japan U-20's five defenders, Oliver Aiku, Haru Hayate, Kazuma Nio, Teppei Neru, and Miroku Darai, so Blue Lock is at a disadvantage. Fortunately for them, their counter has destabilized the field, creating gaps in the Japan U-20 defense, and it's exactly at times like this where Isagi's spatial awareness shines. Isagi thinks that if he can get to the goal by reflex, then he can score; he must search for and find the point where only he can steal a goal.

Just then, Baro comes from behind him, following closely, and Isagi assumes that Baro was trying to steal the pass from Isagi just now. Isagi questions what he is doing at a time like this. Darai comes from behind both of them and marks Baro, attempting to inhibit his ability to link up with Isagi because he realizes Baro just follows around Isagi. Darai comments that it was absurd enough that it worked once on him, but he won't fall for it again. Baro is upset thinking that Darai figured out his play style strategy right away and that he is tough. As Baro continues running forward with Darai, he sees that Aiku is already thoroughly marking him, inhibiting him from trying to attack, and thinks that any pass to him will be pointless. With Aiku staring him down, his route of attack is dead, so Baro decides to change his objective and changes his course away from Isagi; while Isagi is creating "light" on the field, Baro must find the "darkness" and take advantage if it—a "darkness" that will lead him to Flow State.

The sportscaster states how Blue Lock's momentum just won't stop as they move to the goal area by trading passes. Neru yells, telling his team to prepare for Blue Lock and their combinations, and Nio confirms this, telling Neru to leave it to him. With Aiku ready and waiting, Isagi knows that right now is not the time—he is not at the right place yet. Trying to score right now will only lead to one of the defenders blocking him. As Isagi passes the ball to Rin, he notes that he needs to meet three conditions to be able to score: he needs to be in a place where he can score using his Direct Shot, he needs someone to pass him the ball, and he needs the defenders to be unable to predict his moves. He needs to use his eyes and head to find a spot where those three conditions are in place, but the goal is already too close, and if he stops to think, the Japan U-20 will organize. Isagi notes that he has to find his chance during the counter while the team still has momentum. Isagi needs to find an opening on the field, the "thread" of this match. Just then, Tabito Karasu comes from the midfield to offer his assistance at the counter. With Karasu moving up the field, Blue Lock has another piece to use, so Rin passes to him, and Karasu instantly sees the right place to pass to Isagi.

As the ball moves towards Isagi, he positions his foot so he can perform a rough upwards kick that keeps moving the ball down the field and above the heads of the Japan U-20 defense. Isagi intentionally sent a rough and unmanageable pass to the only person who could handle it smoothly, Nagi. Nagi traps the ball between Neru and Nio and comments on Isagi's tough pass, and as he does that, Isagi thinks that he sent the pass towards Nagi because only he can control it, and the Japan U-20 defenders will have to put all their attention on him. Nagi realizes Isagi's plan and tells him that he is being unfair, just using him for his own play. In that moment, Isagi gets in the blindspots of the defenders and rushes past them and Nagi as Nagi performs a backwards jump pass over the Japan U-20 defenders and into a clear space where Isagi is ready to meet the ball. Isagi's notes say his plan went exactly as he wanted, and where he is, not even Aiku can reach him; all the conditions Isagi needs have been met, and he is ready to take his shot. As the ball comes closer, out of nowhere, Sae Itoshi comes from behind Isagi and states that it was unexpected, but it seems Isagi is the heart of Blue Lock and that he has a good brain. Isagi is completely surprised by Sae's presence and realizes he didn't account for him at all because he was completely outside of his field of view. Sae took the shortest path to the most critical point on the field to destroy his play. Isagi is dumbfounded, for this play is nothing short of Isagi's best, and in an instant, it is being shut down, but just then, Isagi throws away his doubts and prepares to receive the ball despite being pressured, and Sae thinks that this play isn't over.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Isagi breaks through the Japan U-20 defense using his spatial awareness.
  • Isagi prepares to score, but Sae comes to pressure him.
  • Sae notes that Isagi is the heart of Blue Lock.
  • Isagi, still determined, prepares to score even while being pressured.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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