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"Cool Head and Chameleon" (冷徹 (れいてつ) 変幻 (へんげん) Reitetsu to Hengen?) is the 129th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


The second half resumes with Blue Lock in possession with Isagi dashing down the field with the ball in tow. Isagi thinks about the change Hiori brings to the offense as he passes him the ball, and Hiori, after a quick back and forth with Karasu, sends the ball flying into the penalty zone right to Nagi. Nagi, unable to get past Nio, decides to pass the ball in an open space to Isagi, but Aiku effectively reacts to the play before anybody else can.

The Japan U-20 regain possession of the ball and send it to Sae Itoshi. With Sae in possession of the ball, the Blue Lock defense prepares themselves for a pass to Shido. Sae sends the ball to Shido, and he prepares to receive it but is surprised by Reo's reaction to the ball. He jumps in the air and headbutts the ball, effectively cancelling the play, surprising everyone.


The play starts off with Yoichi Isagi in possession of the ball, and he dashes forward, noting that Blue Lock is changing tactics now that Yo Hiori is on offense. Up until now, the offense has purely been moving separately to express their individual abilities and gain an advantage with Rin Itoshi as the center, but Hiori changes that formation. With his cool-headed vision and expert ball control, he can become an anchor and starting point for the offense.

Miroku Darai marks Hiori and says he cannot escape him, and Hiori responds he wasn't trying to in the first place because he fights differently. Isagi notes that nobody expects Hiori to win a 1v1, but what they do expect is for him to line everything up and give them a perfect pass. Hiori tells Darai that clashing head-on with everything you got isn't the only way to show off your ego, and he passes an extremely fast outside shot to Tabito Karasu between Shuto Sendo and Haru Hayate. Karasu comments on Hiori's tight passing but notes he is only good at sending the ball away, and Hiori responds by saying he can do more. Karasu creates an opening by making a space for Hiori, passing the ball just a couple inches behind him and blocking the opposition, and Hiori sweeps up the ball. Karasu tells Hiori to show him what makes him special, and Hiroi sarcastically tells him to keep talking. Isagi notices the close quarters cross and the fact that together Karasu and Hiori created a brief moment for Hiori to position himself perfectly for a pass.

Yo Hiori lob pass to Nagi

Yo Hiori lob pass to Nagi

Hiori is ready to send the ball, and Isagi notes Hiori's left leg is calm and precise as he makes a play by reflex and kicks a strong pass into the center of the penalty zone, with Sendo comparing it to Sae Itoshi's passes. Sendo thinks it's headed for Rin, but it actually is aimed for Seishiro Nagi, who is right beside him. Nagi calls Hiori's pass delicious, and Kazuma Nio marks Nagi, saying he can only say that once he has actually done something. Nagi thinks about how tired he is of Nio's defense; Nagi even used Rin as bait to get the ball. With the ball already close and incoming, Nagi decides to jump and tap it with his foot in midair, sending the ball to an open space. Nagi sends the ball right behind Rin where only Isagi would be, and with Rin's body blocking defenders, Isagi prepares to make a shot, but Oliver Aiku reacts to the split-second play with his immense reflex and manages to kick the ball off course before Isagi makes contact, effectively blocking the shot. Aiku once again states his intention of stopping all shots in his zone, and Isagi looks stunned as he wonders how Aiku managed to react to that play so fast. Isagi notes that Blue Lock has just changed their formation, and he was improvising a play off of Nagi's pass, but Aiku still managed to react to it all before Isagi could. Isagi realizes that as long as he is in Aiku's zone, his direct shot is useless.

Reo copies Oliver's Header

Reo copies Aiku, effectively intercepting a pass

Isagi calls out the upcoming counter as Hayate sweeps up the ball, compliments his captain, and sends the ball to Sae. Karasu tells his team to watch out for passes to Ryusei Shido, and everybody on that half of the field prepares themselves. Jyubei Aryu tells Reo Mikage that they're up, and Reo recalls a conversation with Jinpachi Ego right before he enters the field. Ego states that the only reason Reo is being subbed in is to stop Shido. Reo acknowledges this fact and reminds Ego that he has been watching the Iron Wall Quartet the entire match as he instructed. Back to the game, Reo spots and locks on to both Sae and Shido, waiting for the second their chemical reaction starts. Just as Sae is about to make his pass to Shido, Reo reacts; Shido breaks off from the defenders, ready to receive the ball, but Reo is already in the air, performing the same Total Defense that Aiku did at the very start of the game, effectively copying the move and surprising everyone. Reo notes that his role in the match is his chameleon-style defense, and he will use it to kill all of Shido's plays. Nagi compliments Reo and calls him cool.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Blue Lock's offensive formation has changed up due to Hiori's presence on the field.
  • Even with the change, Aiku's immense reflexes allow him to adapt and react to Blue Lock's plays, effectively shutting down Isagi.
  • It is revealed that the only reason Reo was subbed in is because of his copycat abilities.
  • Reo effectively copies Aiku and intercepts an incoming pass from Sae meant for Shido.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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