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"Ruin" (ぐちゃぐちゃ Guchagucha?) is the 125th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


In elementary school, Rin writes an essay about becoming a football player just like his brother. On the field, when Sae returns, Rin and Sae begin their 1v1 match to decide if Sae will reshare the same dream of becoming the best striker in the world.

Rin does not want to play initially, but Sae forces him, and he overwhelms him with a flurry of dribbles that Rin is unable to keep up with. Easily passing Rin by, Sae scores a goal and wins the 1v1, officially ending their dream and severing all ties between the brothers. Rin says he has no reason to play football, and Sae leaves, saying that Rin is worthless.

Back at home, Rin watches as Sae is announced to be apart of the Men's World 11 and thinks about all the memories he and Sae shared. Rin thinks about whether his time with his brother was a lie and if he was just a tool for Sae's growth. Rin gets upset at this and says he will get revenge on Sae—revenge on him for turning his life upside down.

Back to present, Isagi informs Rin that the second half is about to start.


It is Parents' Day, and the children of Rin's elementary school class are sharing essays on their dreams for the future. When it is Rin's turn, Rin reads aloud that he wants to be a football player like his brother, Sae. Rin reaffirms in his head that his brother will be the best striker in the world and Rin will be the second best.

Sae Itoshi's double touch feint

Sae's double touch feint

Flash forward to when Sae challenges Rin on that snowy night. Sae's statement of their dream ending if he loses confuses Rin. Sae says it's simple; he just has to win, and Sae will rejoin him in their dream. Rin thinks this proposal is a joke and tells Sae to stop playing around, but Sae tells Rin to go already. Sae rushes towards Rin, announcing the first to score is the winner of their 1v1, but Rin tells his brother to wait, thinking he doesn't want to have a match like this. Sae starts off by doing some hyperspeed scissors and transitions into a double touch feint. Rin remarks on how fast each move is and how much Sae has improved since leaving Japan. Rin thinks he can stop Sae, but just then, Sae performs a magic turn, stopping the ball with the outside of his foot. Rin thinks how Sae isn't giving him anytime to think and how much he has evolved now that he has experienced the world. Sae performs a nutmeg and asks Rin what he's been doing the past four years and scores a goal at the top of the penalty zone.

Rin notes the gap between him and his brother, and Sae states that the brothers are done. Rin asks his brother to wait and tells him he did his best to become the best in Japan and get scouted like his brother. Rin says he tried to become someone who could replace him and fought for his team so he could become the best in Japan. Rin is confused on Sae ending things and says if they don't share a dream together again, then he has no reason to play football. This saddens Sae, but then he speaks out and tells his brother to fucking give up then. He calls Rin lukewarm and questions his purpose for even telling him something like that. Sae comments on Japan's peaceful position that causes anyone with talent to become trash. Sae tells Rin he makes him want to vomit and to never use him as an excuse to play football again. Sae also iterates that even though Rin may see him as a special person, Rin to him is just an annoying eyesore of a little brother. Sae tells him not to get full of himself just because they were brothers. Sae says if Rin can't play football, then he is worthless and tells him to get lost, for he is no longer needed in his life. Sae walks away from the field with Rin despairing in the snow.

A disappointed Sae Itoshi walks away

A disappointed Sae walks away

Later, Rin sits in his room with Sae's awards on a wall and him watching a news report about Sae being elected into the Men's World 11 as a member of Real Madrid's Youth Team. Rin thinks his brother is really amazing, and what he said is probably right; Rin thinks he has had enough of football and turns the TV off. Rin thinks more about the situation and thinks that to his brother he was just a training partner, and since he has outlived his usefulness, he is no longer necessary. Rin thinks back to all the special times he and Sae had together and wonders if he was just a tool worth using and that the brother that he knew was a lie. Rin wishes he never started playing football and that he never shared a dream with his brother, and he swings his hand across Sae's award wall, smashing and breaking multiple awards and pictures. Rin denies that the memories they shared were a lie and vows to break his brother, saying he won't forgive him for turning his life upside down.

Back to the present, Yoichi Isagi comes into the hallway and tells Rin the second half is about to start.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Sae beats Rin in their 1v1 by overwhelming him with his improved skills.
  • Sae officially ends their shared dream, and Rin states he has no reason to play football if that's the case.
  • Sae gets angry and denounces Rin as his brother and leaves.
  • It is later announced that Sae becomes a member of the Men's World 11.
  • Rin gets angry at Sae's treatment of him and vows to get revenge.
  • Back to the present, the second half of the Japan National Representative match is about to start.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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