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"World's Best" ( () 界一 (かいいち) Sekaiichi?) is the 123rd chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.


Team Blue Lock celebrate their lead in the first half and think about how they have a chance at winning the game. Anri and Ego walk into the locker room, with Anri complimenting the team but Ego telling them not to get excited. Ego explains how they had prepared many strategies for this game, but they didn't seem to work at first; only because of Rin Itoshi and Yoichi Isagi were they able to break through the enemy team's defense and start their attack. Ego congratulates them on their impressive teamwork and egos that they continue to exhibit. Ego reminds his team that even though they have taken the lead in the first half, they should expect to face much more difficulty in the second half and to prepare themselves. There will be no change in lineup or formation, just the continuation of the team's sole goal of becoming the best strikers in the world. Isagi thinks how he has to play harder to prove himself, and Rin walks out into the hallway thinking about his brothers' words and his past.

Rin thinks back to when he was six years old and Sae was eight years old playing a game and effortlessly scoring a goal on the opposition. Sae is congratulated by his teammates, coach, and reporters alike but chooses not to get stuck on their words or admiration, and he leaves the pitch with his little brother right beside him. They go out for ice cream on the way home, and it is revealed Rin won a prize from eating the ice cream. Sae, in turn, lost but states he doesn't have time to care about such trivial things. He wants to become the best striker in the world, and anything less than that is pointless to him.

Back at another game, Rin is on the sidelines playing with his toys and watching Sae drive the ball down the field. Sae makes an amazing pass to the penalty zone, but it is unreachable by his teammates and opposition. Just then, Rin comes from off the sideline and catches the ball, scoring an amazing goal. Sae's team gets mad at Rin, but Sae silences them and walks over to his little brother, telling him to join him in playing football. He says Rin can become the second best after himself.


In the Team Blue Lock locker room, the Blue Lock Eleven and the other members of the team shout in celebration of their lead in the first half. Gurimu Igarashi yells with enthusiasm at Blue Lock's lead in the first half and states that Blue Lock has a chance of actually winning the game. Nijiro Nanase follows up, agreeing with Igarashi and congratulating Nagi, Rin, and then everyone.

Ego instructing his team to settle down

Ego instructing his team to settle down

Jyubei Aryu asks if anybody saw his incredible save at the end of the first half, while he tries imitating the move he pulled off, gaining the praise of Aoshi Tokimitsu and the annoyance of Jingo Raichi, who tells Aryu to stop swinging his legs everywhere. Meanwhile, Ikki Niko is thinking to himself about how he should defend in the second half of the game. Yo Hiori praises Hyoma Chigiri for his speed while tossing him a water bottle and asks how his legs are doing. Chigiri confirms that his legs are fine and that he can still keep going. Nagi, while drinking some water, thinks about how he needs a towel, and Reo Mikage obliges him by throwing him a towel and complimenting him on his goal. Reo follows up by asking if Nagi does more, knowing how truly strong Nagi is, and Nagi agrees with him. Reo says he knows better than anyone how good Nagi really is. In the back of the room, Shoei Baro sits on the bench patiently and incredibly focused, waiting for his time.

Anri Teieri walks in the locker room, congratulating everybody on the first half. Behind her walks Jinpachi Ego, telling his celebratory team to settle down for its time for the half-time meeting. Anri confirms Ego's statement by saying he has come to review the first half and talk tactics for the second half. Ego starts off by asking the team, "Why were they able to score?" He plans on carving an accurate explanation into their brains.

Ego states that in preparation for this game, Blue Lock developed various strategies, but when actually facing the top players of their generation, their tactics fell short at first. Only because of the team play between Rin Itoshi and Yoichi Isagi was the team able to break through the Japan U-20's defense. Their super close back-to-back passing and Rin's decision to keep Isagi close, expanding his own options, led to the breakthrough. Ego asks why Rin decided to keep Isagi close and use him, and Rin replies he couldn't get past the Iron Wall Quartet without a plan, and the offense couldn't start attacking without him getting past them. Isagi was the one player ready to be taken advantage of by Rin, and so he used him as a "sacrificial lamb." Ego states he came to a good conclusion and says that his plan is something that could not have been conceived during practice. Ego then asks Isagi if he is alright being considered a "sacrificial lamb," and Isagi replies strongly no; he intended on scoring his own goal from the very beginning. Ego compliments him on his reply and states that the Blue Lock Eleven are all players who see themselves as the protagonists of the game. Each of them has the ego and will to continue fighting, and that ego is the reason that they were able to take the lead in the first half; however, there is no guarantee that the second half will go as smoothly, and Ego clearly states that it most likely will not, so its time to stop celebrating their lead because, in reality, they have accomplished nothing yet. He tells them to not be satisfied with this small lead and to keep attacking to the very last second—to not give up on being the protagonist of their own story. There will be no change in lineup or formation. All he tells his team is that they need to keep overwhelming their opponents and that there's no need for more than one protagonist, and he walks out of the locker room.

The team positively responds to Ego's review and keeps their heads high, ready to tackle the second half. Isagi confirms Ego's words in his head, thinking that Team Blue Lock isn't here to "win as a team" but to win using the team—scoring goals for their own sakes. Isagi wants to push forward, scoring his own goals no matter the sacrifice, just like Rin. To prove himself, Isagi must play harder. Rin walks out of the locker room into the hallway, thinking about Sae's words when they were matched up. Rin states to himself that he will make his brother watch him surpass him as he thinks back to the past.

A six-year-old Rin with his brother Sae

A 6-year-old Rin with his brother Sae

Rin thinks back to when he was six years old watching his brother Sae play a match, completely overwhelming his opposition and scoring an effortless goal. Sae's teammates and coach congratulate Sae on his goal and compliment him on his abilities. Reporters attempt to interview Sae on his rising status as a football prodigy in Japan, and Sae berates them and tells them to get lost. He states that he will do as he pleases and leaves the interview, telling Rin to come along. Rin listens to his big brother and grabs on his arm. As Sae sticks his tongue out at the reporters, Rin copies him, and they leave. A young Rin thinks about how cool and super nice his older brother is, and Sae asks if Rin wants to get some ice cream. While eating ice cream pops, it is revealed Rin won a prize and Sae lost. Sae crunches on his losing popsicle stick and says that people who waste their luck on trivial game prizes don't have what it takes to become the best in the world. Sae clearly states that he will become the best striker in the world, and anything less than that is worthless to him. Rin then thinks Sae really hates to lose.

At another game, Rin is on the sidelines, playing with his action figures, while Sae drives the ball down the side of the field of the opposition and begins being marked by multiple defenders. Rin sees his brother and thinks how he never loses and wonders if he can be like him someday if he can be cool and strong like his older brother Sae. Sae kicks a crazy long pass into the penalty zone from the far side of the upper field, and while his teammates and opposition try to react to it, they fall short of reaching it, but just then, Rin flies onto the field, catching the ball at the perfect moment and scoring an amazing goal, despite not being on any team. Sae's teammates get irritated by Rin's interruption, but Sae immediately silences them and walks over to Rin. Rin begins to apologize, but Sae compliments his little brother and tells him to play football alongside him. Sae says if it's Rin, Rin can become the best player after Sae, and Rin says okay, enthralled by his brother.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Team Blue Lock celebrates its lead in the first half.
  • Ego compliments his team on their impressive teamwork and skills but tells them to not excited because the game is not over and it will not get easier.
  • Rin flashes back to when he was six years old and Sae was eight years old.
  • Sae was already regarded as a genius player at the age of 8.
  • It is revealed that back then, Sae and Rin were much closer to each other with Sae being much more caring of his little brother and Rin loving his big brother and attempting to be like him.
  • During a game, Rin was on the sidelines watching his brother but flies onto the field stealing a goal from Sae's teammates when Sae makes an incredible pass that nobody is able to receive.
  • This display of ability makes Sae tell Rin to play football with him and state that he can become the best after him.

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