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"Nice to Meet You" (はじめまして Hajimemashite?) is the 117th chapter of the Blue Lock manga series.



The sportscaster announces Rin Itoshi's break through the defense as he is positioned right in front of the goal. Gen Fukaku prepares himself as he thinks Rin is about to shoot; instead, Rin moves further into the goal zone onto the wing. Fukaku and Yoichi Isagi notice his surprise movement and see Rin is making the goal harder for himself. Just then, Rin shoots with his left foot, his nondominant foot, and Isagi realizes that Rin is trying to copy Sae's goal from before. The ball goes up into the goal, and Fukaku nudges the ball with his finger, making the ball hit the post and back onto the field.

The missed shot surprises Anri Teieri, Rin, and Isagi, and Kazuma Nio tells Fukaku it was a nice save as Kenyu Yukimiya runs to scoop up the ball and Teppei Neru marks him. In that moment, Isagi reacts to the situation and prepares an ideal scenario for Yukimiya's perfect position. Isagi remembers an attacking pattern they practiced, and by getting in visible range of the defense into a good spot to receive a pass, he confuses Neru and lags his movements, allowing for Yukimiya to prepare a proper shot. Yukimiya thanks Isagi as he shoots the ball, but Oliver Aiku blocks the ball with his foot in the nick of time. Yukimiya is surprised as Aiku comments on his nice shot, and once again the ball flies in the air with Nio telling Miroku Darai to take possession of the loose ball. Just then, Eita Otoya comes from behind, surprising Darai with his quick movements. Such quick movement similar to how they practiced astonishes Isagi and notes that Rin's play enabled this situation. Now that the Iron Wall Quartet has been broken down, Blue Lock can reap the benefits of their labor. Otoya shoots at the goal, but Nio blocks it with his forehead, which surprises Otoya.

The ball flies high into the air in the center, and Isagi notes the defense is tough, but the play is not over. The ball flies towards Seishiro Nagi, and Nagi realizes this is his chance to score, but Haru Hayate and Itsuki Wakatsuki state they won't allow him to score as they both mark him. Nagi positions himself for a direct shot as Hayate and Wakatsuki move to stop him and Aiku moves in front of Nagi in the goal post, but in reality, Nagi is trapping the ball midair and bringing it behind him, tapping the ball on the ground with his foot, giving it some airtime, surprising the defenders, and in one quick motion, he performs a 180-degree turn in midair so that his dominant foot meets the ball in the air. Nagi says, "Nice to meet you, Japan," as he kicks the ball with intense force into the right corner of the goal, bringing the game to a tie. As Nagi falls and looks over, he asks if anybody heard him. The crowd surprised sits there stunned for a second, but they immediately and in unison go wild at the super goal performed. The Iron Wall Quartet stands surprised at the goal, and Aiku comments on Blue Lock, stating that if you get drawn into their madness, it's destructive indeed. Nagi fist bumps into the air as he makes his Japan debut.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Rin tries to perform the same shot as Sae but misses.
  • Rin used his nondominant foot to shoot.
  • Rin's play further broke down the defense and enabled Blue Lock to take control of the situation.
  • After many failed attempts at the goal, Nagi scores a super goal.
  • The game is now tied, 1-1.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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