Blue Lock Wiki
Blue Lock Wiki

Introduction Arc[]

Anri is first introduced discussing with the chairman of the Japan Football Union, Hirotoshi Buratsuta about Japan's 2018 world cup defeat about how their representative team has felt the wall that is the best of the world, with her believing that they should devise a plan to come back to make the next world cup even stronger. He replies stating that in the end, soccer is just business and that it does not matter since they're making money, saying to find some foreign coach who makes a good enough Japanese guy and if it doesn't work out, to just fire them, as even if they don't do anything, simply representing Japan would be enough to make their brand profitable. Hirotoshi then makes a pun about saying, "may appeal", sounding similar to the famous soccer player, Maya Yoshida. Anri continues by saying that, while it is true that Japanese soccer has made great advancements over the last 25 years and that they've become a regular participant in the World Cup, that it can be said that they've achieved a certain level of success. However, despite that, she says that at this rate, Japan is in danger of never winning the World Cup, making Hirotoshi question if Anri truly believes if Japan actually has a chance of winning, which she replies by saying that it's her dream, so of course she does.

Anri says if they can win if we play their type of match, Japan's passing-style soccer can be effective internationally, and it is due to this that they keep saying things like this that Japan can never make it past the best sixteen. Hirotoshi asks if she's saying that, then she might have some kind of plan, which Anri says that she will produce players who can lead the country to a World Cup victory, with the indispensable coach who'll help assist her in destroying and remaking Japanese soccer, being Jinpachi Ego.

First Selection Arc[]

Inside Ego's room, Anri is asking Ego Blue Lock's progress. Ego tells Anri that they're still at the honeymoon phase. Anri then scolds Ego for his unhealthy lifestyle. Ever since Blue Lock, Ego has been eating instant ramen and yakisoba.

Anri scolds Ego for his unhealthy diet

Anri and Ego are watching the match between Team Z and Team V on a screen. Anri tells Ego that the match is really heated. Ego then says to Anri that a striker's ego can only be born during the most extreme and harsh conditions. During this, the striker is challenged to go beyond his limits to overcome the obstacles in front of him. Ego then remarks that, according to his observation,  a great striker should be able to constantly evolve.

Ego ridicules Anri for her childish definition of awakening

Ego ridicules Anri for her childish definition of awakening.

At Blue Lock's monitoring room, Ego asks Anri if she knows what awakening is. Anri wonders if it's related to suddenly awakening superpowers. She asks if it's like how someone normal gets superhuman powers. Ego tells Anri that she's wrong, saying that only idiots would say that. Ego explains that awakening is not a supernatural phenomenon. Ego notes that awakening is like a puzzle. Like a puzzle, football has many pieces toward success. When these scramble parts fit into their proper places, the ego will bloom. Ego concludes that awakening is the moment when a striker learns who he really is and his capabilities.

Second Selection Arc[]

